President Obama!


Staff member
I watched the SOTU and the analysis on Al Jazeera America (AJAM).
I'm sure it was more balanced and interesting than FOX, MSNBC, CNN or the Networks.
I find myself watching AJAM more and more.
BBC coverage is good too, always interesting to look at things from an outside perspective.


Well-Known Member
I had hopes for Obama, but he's a disaster. Totally unprepared and unsuited for the Presidency. Just a pretty face and a pretty voice. I hope the Republicans will grow some balls and undo some of his damage. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
I had hopes for Obama, but he's a disaster. Totally unprepared and unsuited for the Presidency. Just a pretty face and a pretty voice. I hope the Republicans will grow some balls and undo some of his damage. We'll see.
Don't worry if a republican wins in 2016 they will have another opportunity to throw the country back into a recession and start 2 unnecessary wars.;)


Well-Known Member
Don't worry if a republican wins in 2016 they will have another opportunity to throw the country back into a recession and start 2 unnecessary wars.;)

Uh, huh, and then a Democrat will retake the White House, apologize to the world on behalf of America for doing unseemly things like getting rid of insane dictators who filled mass graves and threw little kids in prison, and then he'll go play golf after Americans get beheaded. :P Plus put a fat idiotic lisping Elmer Fudd on the banking committee who will destroy the housing market again.

MUCH better.


Well-Known Member
Uh, huh, and then a Democrat will retake the White House, apologize to the world on behalf of America for doing unseemly things like getting rid of insane dictators who filled mass graves and threw little kids in prison, and then he'll go play golf after Americans get beheaded. :P Plus put a fat idiotic lisping Elmer Fudd on the banking committee who will destroy the housing market again.

MUCH better.
I'll take that democrat over the war mongering village idiot, GWB, that friend....ed up the economy and sent thousands of troops to die unnecessarily any day.


Retired 23 years
Did Barry have any words of wisdom tonight or was it just his usual stuttering and stammering? He's a total imbecile without his teleprompter.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This is #6. #7 will be in Jan 2016.
Wrong. This is number 7. Check your facts and get back to me.
Unless you are going to say that his speech in front of both houses of congress, some supreme court justice and various members of his cabinet in 2009 wasn't an official State of the Union Address.


Nine Lives
So his STATE OF THE UNION speech in 2009 doesn't count in your book?
Because he sure gave one.

Go to the 6th paragraph (not the 7th) to see:
Like many presidents, Obama didn't give an official State of the Union his first year in office. But he did use a similar event — a televised address to a joint session of Congress — to pitch health care reform.

Upstate and I await your sincere apology.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

Go to the 6th paragraph (not the 7th) to see:
Like many presidents, Obama didn't give an official State of the Union his first year in office. But he did use a similar event — a televised address to a joint session of Congress — to pitch health care reform.

Upstate and I await your sincere apology.
I already read that before I posted before. My stance is that if it walks like a's a duck.
I don't care if others don't see it that way.
And I also believe we get 1 of these speeches every year. In 2009, Obama gave it.