President Obama!


Well-Known Member
I already read that before I posted before. My stance is that if it walks like a's a duck.
I don't care if others don't see it that way.
And I also believe we get 1 of these speeches every year. In 2009, Obama gave it.

The State of the Union is intended to be a summation of the previous year's accomplishments and a preview of what the President hopes to accomplish in the upcoming year. The speech given after being elected is the inaugural address and the incoming President uses that speech to outline his goals and objectives for his first term. The inaugural address and SOTU are not one in the same.


golden ticket member
Speech ends, donation pitch immediately goes out:

“I hope you’re excited about the agenda I laid out tonight for 2015,” Obama’s email read.
Now it’s time to get to work.
Let’s go — make a monthly contribution to support Democrats now:
Barack Obama

(it's what he does best)


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Speech ends, donation pitch immediately goes out:

“I hope you’re excited about the agenda I laid out tonight for 2015,” Obama’s email read.
Now it’s time to get to work.
Let’s go — make a monthly contribution to support Democrats now:
Barack Obama

(it's what he does best)
He is a loser. And he gets the suckers to follow him like he's the pied piper.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Brutal as in pathetic.
I tried really hard to listen to her, I don't know if it was her voice or her delivery or what but I could not get into listening to her. If she is the republicans "shiny new car" they're looking for they're hurting.Truth is an endangered species when any Republican gets in front of a camera.
Hey did anybody notice how much darker skinned Boehner was than Biden and Obama? WTH was that about?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I tried really hard to listen to her, I don't know if it was her voice or her delivery or what but I could not get into listening to her. If she is the republicans "shiny new car" they're looking for they're hurting.Truth is an endangered species when any Republican gets in front of a camera.
Hey did anybody notice how much darker skinned Boehner was than Biden and Obama? WTH was that about?
Typical of the lib/Dem trolls, tear apart the messenger and the delivery of the message, but pay no attention to the actual message.


Bad Moon Risen'
Since this gal is/was a pig farmer, I might assume that like Ms. Bachmann, they might have been recieving farm subsidies. Eighty percent of all farms in Iowa participates in the program.
Here's hoping that one of her first orders of business is to get rid of this giveaway in order to reduce the debt.
Will not hold my breath.


Well-Known Member
Since this gal is/was a pig farmer, I might assume that like Ms. Bachmann, they might have been recieving farm subsidies. Eighty percent of all farms in Iowa participates in the program.
Here's hoping that one of her first orders of business is to get rid of this giveaway in order to reduce the debt.
Will not hold my breath.

While I agree that being paid not to plant crops may sound odd, farm subsidies are an essential part of our agriculture business.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Typical of the lib/Dem trolls, tear apart the messenger and the delivery of the message, but pay no attention to the actual message.
No brownie it was a totally canned response, even her "just folks" anecdote. Ernst offered absolutely nothing new, which tells me Republicans are going to continue screwing the middle class and serving their rich corporate masters. Realistically, what did anybody expect?


nowhere special
No brownie it was a totally canned response, even her "just folks" anecdote. Ernst offered absolutely nothing new, which tells me Republicans are going to continue screwing the middle class and serving their rich corporate masters. Realistically, what did anybody expect?

Since the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer under Obama that tells me who is really screwing the middle class. And despite their rhetoric there are many more rich Democratic politicians than Republicans.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Since this gal is/was a pig farmer, I might assume that like Ms. Bachmann, they might have been recieving farm subsidies. Eighty percent of all farms in Iowa participates in the program.
Here's hoping that one of her first orders of business is to get rid of this giveaway in order to reduce the debt.
Will not hold my breath.
The truth about her family’s farm roots and living within one’s means, however, is more complex. Relatives of Ernst (née: Culver), based in Red Oak, Iowa (population: 5,568) have received over $460,000 in farm subsidies between 1995 and 2009. Ernst’s father, Richard Culver, was given $14,705 in conservation payments and $23,690 in commodity subsidies by the federal government–with all but twelve dollars allocated for corn support. Richard’s brother, Dallas Culver, benefited from $367,141 in federal agricultural aid, with over $250,000 geared toward corn subsidies. And the brothers’ late grandfather Harold Culver received $57,479 from Washington—again, mostly corn subsidies—between 1995 and 2001. He passed away in January 2003.That's some good welfare.


nowhere special
He won't meet with BeBe, but he met with You Tube who ate Fruit loops while sitting in a bathtub of milk.

President Obama said Thursday that he wants to improve training of police in minority communities so that officers can “be aware of their biases ahead of time.”

The comment came during an interview at the White House, when YouTube celebrity GloZell Green, who is black, asked Mr. Obama what can be done to prevent violence by white police officers against black males such as incidents last year in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York City.

She told Mr. Obama that she has cut the hoods off of her husband’s “hoodie” sweatshirts because she’s afraid “the po-po” [police] will shoot him when he goes outdoors.