President Obama!


golden ticket member


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Maybe President Obama should have hopped in a fighter jet, strutted out on an aircraft carrier in a flightsuit and a codpiece, waving a "Mission Accomplished" flag .... he might have gotten some respect then.
He never served.

I know you were being sarcastic, but IF Obama did that, since he never served our country, he would have looked like an idiot. The military men wouldn't have liked it, and would show their dislike for it, embarrassing Odumbo even further.

Yep, only a former military president could have pulled something like that off.

BTW, our military LOVED President Bush. But they don't seem to care 1 bit for Obama.

ironic, considering Bush put them in 2 wars, and Obama pulled them out of 2 wars.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Well, Bush was whiter.
Who cares?

But he had to deal with 9/11?

What has Odumbo had to deal with besides bringing our troop home before it was time, and implementing that disaster call the ACA.

Oh, I know. He had to deal with every 2 years, more and more Republicans are getting elected to Congress.