President Obama!


Well-Known Member
" my nang Es juan, no speaka ingles, I coming here to make a one vote, I voting please for a democrats, they telling me vote a for them I keepa my money they give me, they tell me make me citizen, paying for my familia, I gonna vota democrat " that's why
We were all immigrants once. I guess the big difference is that when our ancestors came over (grandparents, in my case), all one had to do was show up here, not be a prostitute or Chinese, and you were in, legally.

I, for one, welcome anyone who desires to better themselves and be proud to be called an American. Assimilation can take time.


When your bank says no, champion says YES
We were all immigrants once. I guess the big difference is that when our ancestors came over (grandparents, in my case), all one had to do was show up here, not be a prostitute or Chinese, and you were in, legally.

I, for one, welcome anyone who desires to better themselves and be proud to be called an American. Assimilation can take time.
My great grandparents came trough Ellis island and when you say it like that it sounds like they were on an episode of price is right "come on down", it was anything like that, those immigrants had a tough time, were forced to learn and speak English and were discriminated against equally to if not worse than current day illegal immigrants who don't even seek legal citizenship and bank on democrat amnesty and handouts making it a whole heak of a lot easier for current day immigrants, the Ellis island generation didn't have section 8 and government assistance, the only reason why it takes years for citizenship today is because soooo many of em are not going through the proper procedure for citizenship, and we as a government in a way reward them with various forms of protection and financial help , yet another deduction for our pay checks, thanks democrats! Care more about illegals than ya do about me


golden ticket member
My grandparents spoke English.....broken as hell, but it was English!!! They tried hard to fit in.....speak the language, get work and raise their family of 8 kids. I can still hear my grandma say "somanabitch" as she watched wrestling on the old black & white round screen.


nowhere special
Instead of mandatory voting make election day a national holiday so that it would be easier for people who work for a living to vote. But the Democrats would oppose that because their Welfare voters don't need a day off to vote.


Strength through joy
Instead of mandatory voting make election day a national holiday so that it would be easier for people who work for a living to vote. But the Democrats would oppose that because their Welfare voters don't need a day off to vote.
Well if the voting booths were installed at the welfare office , and everyone had on that day to personally collect their EBT refills , it might work .


When your bank says no, champion says YES