President Obama!


golden ticket member
Semantics aside---why do you hate/fear black people?
Who brought up black people?????????
This thread is all about Obama and what people may think of him (good or bad).....It doesn't matter what color he is, but it does matter if he has leadership qualities......which I think he does not. You are looking for trouble and I refuse to be your target!!!


nowhere special
Oh, I'm not silent, I reported your calling me "idiot" multiple times.
You continue (post#14330 also)........maybe you should put me on ignore if my posts bother you so much!!

He also uses the same logic that counted terrorist deaths in 9/11 in the "victims" total.


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
While the wounds of what happened in the crash are fresh and a bit of sensitivity are called for, the metaphor that Obama is flying this country into the ground is spot on in the opinion of many, myself included. The post has nothing to do with race and playing that card only undermines the pain of those who actually experience it.
Right now, if Ben Carson ran for president, he'd have my vote.


nowhere special
They're both old, white and Republican. One could assume.

By that logic we should like an old white guy like Joe Biden. He is about the only old white guy I could think of in the Obama administration. It is loaded with almost all minorities and women. So much for diversity. And that also demonstrates were the true bigots are.