President Obama!


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Russia announced Monday that it will sell Iran advanced S-300 surface-to-air missiles. The decision, which ends an embargo dating back to 2010, shows that President Barack Obama is rapidly losing control of the international consensus on Iran.
It also sets Israel a deadline to attack Iran–since Israel has treated the S-300 system as a “red line,” and has attacked Syria several times recently to prevent advanced Russian air defense and anti-ship missile systems from becoming operational.
Currently, Iran has weak air defenses and would not be able to do much to stop an airstrike.
Putin knows full well that he is triggering an Israeli countdown–and he has been happy to do so in the past. From his point of view, it makes little difference whether Iran or Syria actually use the weapons he is selling them, so long as their money is good and the two regimes remain somewhat dependent on Russian protection.


Inordinately Right
Russia announced Monday that it will sell Iran advanced S-300 surface-to-air missiles. The decision, which ends an embargo dating back to 2010, shows that President Barack Obama is rapidly losing control of the international consensus on Iran.
It also sets Israel a deadline to attack Iran–since Israel has treated the S-300 system as a “red line,” and has attacked Syria several times recently to prevent advanced Russian air defense and anti-ship missile systems from becoming operational.
Currently, Iran has weak air defenses and would not be able to do much to stop an airstrike.
Putin knows full well that he is triggering an Israeli countdown–and he has been happy to do so in the past. From his point of view, it makes little difference whether Iran or Syria actually use the weapons he is selling them, so long as their money is good and the two regimes remain somewhat dependent on Russian protection.
So now it's a problem for them to even have defense weapons?


Strength through joy
Why would they need defensive weapons ?
Oh ya , they keep saying weird things against other nations , like who has a right to exist .
I suppose if they keep that up somebody might take it the wrong way .


Well-Known Member
Warren/Obama ticket for 2016
You may be onto something. That's better than the martial law that was planned, and then just get rid of that pesky Warren once the time is right. Maybe just after her re-election in 2020.

Baba, you are a genius, thank you. I'm sharing this with the DNC on Skype as I type.

Thanks Again.