President Obama!


Well-Known Member
How can you be so sure?
Honest question, and "because he says he isn't" doesn't count.

Why would you think he is a Muslim?

I'm not sure it makes a difference one way or another.

If he actually was a Muslim, how would things be any different than they are now?


Well-Known Member
Why would you think he is a Muslim?

I'm not sure it makes a difference one way or another.

If he actually was a Muslim, how would things be any different than they are now?

You said that he wasn't; now you are not so sure. The question is not IF, but why you think he is NOT.


Well-Known Member
You said that he wasn't; now you are not so sure. The question is not IF, but why you think he is NOT.

I'm personally certain that Obama is not a Muslim. There is simply no credible evidence to suggest that he is, no matter how many pounds of tin-foil you dig up on the internet.

But that's not my point - it wouldn't matter if he was a Muslim - what do you think would be different in the world if Obama actually was Muslim, vs. the world where you think he's a secret-Muslim?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm personally certain that Obama is not a Muslim. There is simply no credible evidence to suggest that he is, no matter how many pounds of tin-foil you dig up on the internet.

But that's not my point - it wouldn't matter if he was a Muslim - what do you think would be different in the world if Obama actually was Muslim, vs. the world where you think he's a secret-Muslim?

They need to have these stupid converstations with themselves in order to feel superior to blacks. Freedom of religion means nothing to them unless you are a christian.

The American Taliban are just as dangerous as ISIS.



Well-Known Member
I'm personally certain that Obama is not a Muslim. There is simply no credible evidence to suggest that he is, no matter how many pounds of tin-foil you dig up on the internet.

But that's not my point - it wouldn't matter if he was a Muslim - what do you think would be different in the world if Obama actually was Muslim, vs. the world where you think he's a secret-Muslim?

I can't say for certain what the difference would be except for the gut feeling I have. I can say I have seen lots of evidence that points to him being a muslim, most from his own lips, and not so much, or nothing pointing that he isn't. Thus my question "how can you be so sure he isn't?" I was looking for your evidence to back up your "matter of factness" opinion that he is not.


Well-Known Member
Which kind of Muslim do you think Obama is?

Sunni? Shiite?

It makes a difference, you know.

This makes me recall the controversy over Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

So which is it? Is Obama the member of a radical Christian sect, or is he a Muslim?

It's difficult for me to keep these conspiracy stories straight - there's no common narrative.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Obama is a narcissist with his love of himself more important to him than anything else.
Yep. Right wing logic.

Anything good that happens is the result of the current Republican President or the last Republican President.

Anything bad that happens is the result of the current Democratic President or the last Democratic President.

Thus the failing economy under a Republican President with a newly elected Democratic President yet to be sworn in is due to the populace dread of what's coming.

Then the economy instantly tanked the minute he was sworn in.

But when 9/11 happens 8 months after a Republican is sworn in that's because of the last Democratic President.

When the economy is tanking 6 years into a Republican President's term that's still the fault of the last Democratic President.

When the economy recovers 6 years into a Democratic President's term, that's because of the last Republican President's policies.

And so on...

So if by some act of Satan a Republican is elected in 2016 he/she will take full credit for the recovered economy that they never gave Obama credit for. But they'll blame Obama fully for Bush's economy.........


nowhere special
Yep. Right wing logic.

Anything good that happens is the result of the current Republican President or the last Republican President.

Anything bad that happens is the result of the current Democratic President or the last Democratic President.

Thus the failing economy under a Republican President with a newly elected Democratic President yet to be sworn in is due to the populace dread of what's coming.

Then the economy instantly tanked the minute he was sworn in.

But when 9/11 happens 8 months after a Republican is sworn in that's because of the last Democratic President.

When the economy is tanking 6 years into a Republican President's term that's still the fault of the last Democratic President.

When the economy recovers 6 years into a Democratic President's term, that's because of the last Republican President's policies.

And so on...

So if by some act of Satan a Republican is elected in 2016 he/she will take full credit for the recovered economy that they never gave Obama credit for. But they'll blame Obama fully for Bush's economy.........

Deflect and attempt to change the subject. Standard liberal response instead of using facts and logic.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Which kind of Muslim do you think Obama is?

Sunni? Shiite?

It makes a difference, you know.

This makes me recall the controversy over Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

So which is it? Is Obama the member of a radical Christian sect, or is he a Muslim?

It's difficult for me to keep these conspiracy stories straight - there's no common narrative.
And Obama will declare himself Emperor of America and force everyone into a gay marriage. All the churches will be closed, Christian ministers publically executed, and Islam will become everyone's religion. Oh, and everyone's guns will be melted down and turned into a shine honoring socialism. Then the second week.....


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Major U.S. retailers have announced the closing of more than 6,000 stores from coast to coast. The list includes only those retailers that have announced plans to close more than 10 outlets this year and next.



Major U.S. retailers have announced the closing of more than 6,000 stores from coast to coast. The list includes only those retailers that have announced plans to close more than 10 outlets this year and next.

You do realize ecommerce is up? Closing brick and mortar stores that have an online presence is to be expected.


Well-Known Member
You do realize ecommerce is up? Closing brick and mortar stores that have an online presence is to be expected.

His list is incomplete and inaccurate.

Office Max is being bought out by Staples.

Target closing their Canadian stores was not due to bankruptcy.

Dollar Tree/Family Dollar are being bought out.

I could go on but you get the idea.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Come on with all the bashing of our Prez! He was a community organizer and is for hope and change. Even thought his mother was pasty white, and was raised by a white family, he's black and very Liberal. All the destruction doesn't matter. Can't you people get it?


Well-Known Member
Come on with all the bashing of our Prez! He was a community organizer and is for hope and change. Even thought his mother was pasty white, and was raised by a white family, he's black and very Liberal. All the destruction doesn't matter. Can't you people get it?

To be fair, he's "well educated" black, not "Baltimore riot" black.