President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Obama plans to use AF1 one last time , after Trump takes office .
Of course its call sign will not be AF1 , and no info is available where its headed. Maybe it will go up for a while, circle around and then land back at the starting point , since barry & family will be living in Washington DC.
One last chance for the mile high club, eh?


golden ticket member


Inordinately Right
can we close this thread on jan 20th?
What's the difference? You guys won't be able to stop talking about Obama or Hillary either way. Might as well keep the thread open so at least you have a legitimate place to rant.

Maybe we could keep it open and every time you mention Obama in response to a criticism of Trump we could just move your derail post to this thread....


Well-Known Member
Your boy Obama still has time to do something exceedingly stupid, like start a war with Russia, so he call declare Martial Law and vacation longer, and become richer, in the White House.

He's playing the American public like a second-hand fiddle.