President Trump

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Seriously guy?

Dido already posted it.

Look, if you want to blindly follow your Leader, go for it, who am I to stop you.

Again, this isn’t a hill to die on, Trump dodged the Draft.

Lots of rich folk did, it was a thing.

No worries.

I wouldn’t even care, except for Trump and people like you, screaming about ‘fake news’.

It’s not fake, but you defending Trump pisses me off.

I’m amazed you defend the guy, he’s a loser.
You are full blown TDS if you believe what DIDO posted proves your position. Research and you will find the “information” came from hearsay originating with the Doctors daughters, both of whom are diehard Democrats. It is a MEMORY from conversations they heard as children!

Tripe and innuendo are what you are marketing. Your hate has killed your objectivity.


Well-Known Member
You are full blown TDS if you believe what DIDO posted proves your position. Research and you will find the “information” came from hearsay originating with the Doctors daughters, both of whom are diehard Democrats. It is a MEMORY from conversations they heard as children!

Tripe and innuendo are what you are marketing. Your hate has killed your objectivity.

I don't believe you, but, Ok.

You do you guy.

Again, Trump has you so spun that you're incapable of thinking for yourself.

(The bone-spurs deferment has been corroborated multiple times, across various agencies).

Again, he was a rich guy who got a dubious deferment.

Happened all the time.

Instead of just acknowledging that, you're going FULL TRUMP, and disputing every aspect of the story.

It doesn't have to be like that.

You could just say:

...'sure, he got a deferment, like a lot of rich folk, but anyone who could have done that did it, I don't hold it against him, I just like what he's doing now'...

Instead, you're going full TRUMP and denying everything.

Weak, and sad.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
(The bone-spurs deferment has been corroborated multiple times, across various agencies).
Never challenged his deferment, or the basis of it. Very likely daddy-Trump bartered for the disqualification. No proof the Donald co-operated. If there is proof, show me.

The argument was dodging the draft, better known as evading the draft. Evading is illegal, avoiding is the goal, just like income tax. So far, all Trump is guilty of, is avoiding.


Well-Known Member
Never challenged his deferment, or the basis of it. Very likely daddy-Trump bartered for the disqualification. No proof the Donald co-operated. If there is proof, show me.

The argument was dodging the draft, better known as evading the draft. Evading is illegal, avoiding is the goal, just like income tax. So far, all Trump is guilty of, is avoiding.
And of course there's the irony of people who hate the military jumping all over Trump's lack of military service.


Inordinately Right
The argument was dodging the draft, better known as evading the draft. Evading is illegal, avoiding is the goal, just like income tax. So far, all Trump is guilty of, is avoiding.
avoid (someone or something)

draft dodg·er
/ˈdraf(t) ˈˌdäjər/
  1. a person who has avoided compulsory military service.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Seriously guy?

Dido already posted it.

Look, if you want to blindly follow your Leader, go for it, who am I to stop you.

Again, this isn’t a hill to die on, Trump dodged the Draft.

Lots of rich folk did, it was a thing.

No worries.

I wouldn’t even care, except for Trump and people like you, screaming about ‘fake news’.

It’s not fake, but you defending Trump pisses me off.

I’m amazed you defend the guy, he’s a loser.
But ... but ... but you pulled for Obama!?!?!
And he's pathetic!


Well-Known Member
The Commerce Department said Wednesday that -- despite more than two years of President Trump’s “America First” policies -- the United States last year posted a $891.2 billion merchandise trade deficit, the largest in the nation’s 243-year history.

Trump promised to shrink the trade deficit. Instead it exploded.

Promises made, Promises kept!

Lulz, I don’t think Trump understands trade deficits.

One of the reasons our trade deficit is so large is because our economy is so strong.


Well-Known Member
I thought he was about to go down after the Cohen testimony. How's that working out for you?

Ummm, just fine?

Hit me with an off-topic non-sequitor, I have no response.

Would you like to discuss the topic at hand, or would you like to address your comments in a different thread?

Or maybe start your own thread...


Well-Known Member
Ummm, just fine?

Hit me with an off-topic non-sequitor, I have no response.

Would you like to discuss the topic at hand, or would you like to address your comments in a different thread?

Or maybe start your own thread...
The topic is President Trump, who y'all earlier in the thread were certain you had nailed to the wall this time. Must be disappointing.


Staff member
The topic is President Trump, who y'all earlier in the thread were certain you had nailed to the wall this time. Must be disappointing.
I’ll play. Yes. It is disappointing. Terribly disappointed in a good sector of this country and it’s elected leaders who will not only stand by this disgrace of a human being, but will fully support him even in the face of evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

And if we’ve reached the point where subsequent administrations can simply point at this one and say, “See? Trump did it so can I!” then I’m not sure what’s left to see.

And even if it’s politically devastating, I think the Democrats need to be honest with themselves and if the evidence points to criminal activity but the justice department refuses to act, impeachment is almost a requirement.


Well-Known Member
I’ll play. Yes. It is disappointing. Terribly disappointed in a good sector of this country and it’s elected leaders who will not only stand by this disgrace of a human being, but will fully support him even in the face of evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

And if we’ve reached the point where subsequent administrations can simply point at this one and say, “See? Trump did it so can I!” then I’m not sure what’s left to see.

And even if it’s politically devastating, I think the Democrats need to be honest with themselves and if the evidence points to criminal activity but the justice department refuses to act, impeachment is almost a requirement.
What evidence? You were willing to elect a known crook, yet want to bring down this president on if'n and suppose'n. He may very well be a crook, but you were 100% certain earlier he colluded with Russians, and so far zilch, nada, but mysteriously a bunch of Hillary supporters in the DOJ and FBI have been found to have been pushing that narrative. Using phony documents to do so. I still have to go back to when Trump said if Hillary won he may not concede it. Y'all went ballistic. But when the shoe was on the other foot you couldn't accept it and have been actively seeking his downfall ever since.


Staff member
All aboard folks! Next stop, Crazytown:
What evidence? You were willing to elect a known crook, yet want to bring down this president on if'n and suppose'n. He may very well be a crook, but you were 100% certain earlier he colluded with Russians, and so far zilch, nada, but mysteriously a bunch of Hillary supporters in the DOJ and FBI have been found to have been pushing that narrative. Using phony documents to do so. I still have to go back to when Trump said if Hillary won he may not concede it. Y'all went ballistic. But when the shoe was on the other foot you couldn't accept it and have been actively seeking his downfall ever since.