President Trump


Inordinately Right
Show me where I said eat bugs and tax carbon.
Ok fren.
Here you go:

Cap-and-Trade makes sense...what makes more sense is a carbon-tax.
8 out of 10 economists agree, a carbon tax just makes sense.
You’re gonna be eating insects friend, guaranteed.
Don’t worry, it’ll just be processed insect protein made into tacos, etc.

Any other requests?


Engorged Member
You have some seriously pessimistic views on alien life fren. Space is vast and life is rare. The likelihood of life developing on a planet anywhere near another planet is exponentially rare.

You have the arrogance to say aliens killed themselves and so will we, unless we tax carbon and eat bugs. Ridiculous liberal nonsense.

When did you start freebasing their Kool-Aid? There are many planets out there that could support life as we know it. And what about life as we don't know it?

Have you also gone over to Space God?


Engorged Member
You’re one or two tools short of a full tool-box.

Repeat after me:

Our Technology Has Evolved Faster Than Our Brains.

Our Society Is Based On Our Technological Development.

Our Brains Haven’t Evolved As Fast As Our Technology Has.

Yes, yes, our brains created rockets and iPhones and nuclear weapons, but we’re still working with our 50,000 years’ old brain.

It’s amazing what we’ve accomplished, but...we’re still slaves to our hunter/gatherer/running-from-predators wiring.

I’m not saying bad or good, it’s just the deal.

In some ways it serves us, but in more ways it doesn’t.

I’m all for CRISPR, let’s edit out diabetes and heart disease.

Let’s edit in a human more evolved for space travel.


The Earth is only 6,000 years old.