President Trump


Engorged Member
Seriously. What happened to you?

I have never seen someone go so hard from somewhat middle of the road to hard right Trump lover.

You sure you’re not a Russian bot?

You read my mind. He used to make sane postings, and then he just dropped off the edge of the world, which is, of course, flat.


Engorged Member
A corrupt Ukraine that the Democrats were involved with. Quid Pro Joe and his criminal drug addict son using foreign aid to extort lucrative positions. Slimeballs.

Let's have some proof vs. conspiracy theories and your BS wish list of Deep State involvement in some sort of cover-up.

I await proof.


Inordinately Right
Seriously. What happened to you?

I have never seen someone go so hard from somewhat middle of the road to hard right Trump lover.

You sure you’re not a Russian bot?
I didn't say anything about Trump, your TDS is getting bad fren. My post was about Joe Biden.

I'm not sure how you can deny that Joe Biden used taxpayer money to extort Ukraine. He's on tape bragging about it.

You really need to ease up on the liberal media consumption they've brainwashed you.


Engorged Member
I didn't say anything about Trump, your TDS is getting bad fren. My post was about Joe Biden.

I'm not sure how you can deny that Joe Biden used taxpayer money to extort Ukraine. He's on tape bragging about it.

You really need to ease up on the liberal media consumption they've brainwashed you.

You're truly insane. Biden took out the crooked Ukranian prosecutor in an OPEN, joint effort sanctioned by the western powers. Investigations have shown it was all legitimate and transparent.

I guess the Deep State is covering all of it up. BTW, the Nunes trip to Ukraine kind of confirms the political nature of Trump's interest, and the fact that Nunes is basically just a Trump stooge, right?

Obvious? Even to you?


Staff member
I didn't say anything about Trump, your TDS is getting bad fren. My post was about Joe Biden.

I'm not sure how you can deny that Joe Biden used taxpayer money to extort Ukraine. He's on tape bragging about it.

You really need to ease up on the liberal media consumption they've brainwashed you.
Everything you say is spoon fed from Trump’s fecal pile.

If you can see Biden’s corruption and miss Trump’s...

I mean really, WTF?!?


Inordinately Right
"Essentially"..... LMFAO
That all you got?

Read the article, here's the Trump quote they're saying is impeachable:
"I mean, I asked it very point-blank, because we're looking for corruption. There's tremendous corruption. Why should we be giving hundreds of millions of dollars to countries when there's this kind of corruption?"

Why don't you try answering that question. Common sense says he is right. You want to impeach him for doing his duty as president. Pathetic.


Staff member
"Essentially"..... LMFAO
That all you got?

Read the article, here's the Trump quote they're saying is impeachable:
"I mean, I asked it very point-blank, because we're looking for corruption. There's tremendous corruption. Why should we be giving hundreds of millions of dollars to countries when there's this kind of corruption?"

Why don't you try answering that question. Common sense says he is right. You want to impeach him for doing his duty as president. Pathetic.
The answer is that what Biden did was above board with both the US and EU on board and not an effort to win a political contest.

You hate facts, don’t you?


Inordinately Right
"Why should we be giving hundreds of millions of dollars to countries when there's this kind of corruption?"

Why don't you try answering that question.
The answer is that what Biden did was above board with both the US and EU on board
So you think we shouldn't care about ukranian corruption because Biden's adminstration was okay with it.

Wow buddy, your TDS is bad.


Engorged Member
Nothing I said is from Trump. It's from the video of Biden bragging about extorting Ukraine.

You claim to see Trump corruption and miss Biden's?

I mean really, WTF?!?

Biden is bragging about taking down a corrupt Ukranian prosecutor. You talk about the Deep State, which I take to be a sidebar "secret government" doing the work of the principal actors. Exactly what Trump, Giuliani and friends are doing with their deals for private profit. Deep State personified.

A corrupt president and corrupt friends doing the bidding of "Deep State" industrialists, aristocrats, and even foreign governments. Yes, Russia. Trump has done everything possible to cater to Putin, which is just a bit more than suspect.

Comey is accused of being part of your Deep State. Yet Comey was a hero when he handed the election to Trump with the email investigation just weeks before the election. The Deep State candidate lost, and Comey was a "great guy".

It didn't take long for Comey to become a "Deep Stater" when he wouldn't play ball with the idea of a King Trump. Logic and reason really aren't strong points for you, are they? Fealty and complete loyalty are what King Trump requires. Nunes and Jordan understand this completely, as do most Trump loyalists. Wasn't it kind of "Deep Statish" for the head of the Intelligence Committee to make a secretive trip to Ukraine, presumably at the direction of Trump, a person under active investigation at that time with the Mueller probe?

The weak-minded and uneducated look up to autocrats who tell these sheeple (the usual suspects here qualify) what to think and do. Conspiracy theories abound, and bogeymen arguments like the Deep State are spread to ensure that the autocrat always has a straw man to rage against and individuals to scapegoat.

You, sir, are one of these autocrat admirers who need and desire to be led.

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Inordinately Right
You talk about the Deep State.
No, you're talking about a deep state, not me. But we all know you're a nutjob so it's not surprising.

I'm talking about what's right on the surface for all to see, blatant corruption and election meddling by the Democrats. Sheep like you eat up their trash.



Engorged Member
No, you're talking about a deep state, not me. But we all know you're a nutjob so it's not surprising.

I'm talking about what's right on the surface for all to see, blatant corruption and election meddling by the Democrats. Sheep like you eat up their trash.


I used to think you were dropped on your head. Now I think you had a motorcycle accident without a helmet.


Inordinately Right
I used to think you were dropped on your head. Now I think you had a motorcycle accident without a helmet.
Donald Trump is still your president fren.

I'll pray for you.
