President Trump


Well-Known Member
You're truly insane. Biden took out the crooked Ukranian prosecutor in an OPEN, joint effort sanctioned by the western powers. Investigations have shown it was all legitimate and transparent.

I guess the Deep State is covering all of it up. BTW, the Nunes trip to Ukraine kind of confirms the political nature of Trump's interest, and the fact that Nunes is basically just a Trump stooge, right?

Obvious? Even to you?
Really, is that what he did? Amazing, that Joe Biden. Apparently in every country where he was cleaning up corruption they threw money at his son in gratitude. Ukraine, China, Romania...........


Well-Known Member
Biden is bragging about taking down a corrupt Ukranian prosecutor. You talk about the Deep State, which I take to be a sidebar "secret government" doing the work of the principal actors. Exactly what Trump, Giuliani and friends are doing with their deals for private profit. Deep State personified.

A corrupt president and corrupt friends doing the bidding of "Deep State" industrialists, aristocrats, and even foreign governments. Yes, Russia. Trump has done everything possible to cater to Putin, which is just a bit more than suspect.

Comey is accused of being part of your Deep State. Yet Comey was a hero when he handed the election to Trump with the email investigation just weeks before the election. The Deep State candidate lost, and Comey was a "great guy".

It didn't take long for Comey to become a "Deep Stater" when he wouldn't play ball with the idea of a King Trump. Logic and reason really aren't strong points for you, are they? Fealty and complete loyalty are what King Trump requires. Nunes and Jordan understand this completely, as do most Trump loyalists. Wasn't it kind of "Deep Statish" for the head of the Intelligence Committee to make a secretive trip to Ukraine, presumably at the direction of Trump, a person under active investigation at that time with the Mueller probe?

The weak-minded and uneducated look up to autocrats who tell these sheeple (the usual suspects here qualify) what to think and do. Conspiracy theories abound, and bogeymen arguments like the Deep State are spread to ensure that the autocrat always has a straw man to rage against and individuals to scapegoat.

You, sir, are one of these autocrat admirers who need and desire to be led.

Yes, true, Obama fought off the Rooskies by refusing to give the Ukrainians weapons. And kept world peace by giving them Crimea. Trump said this is crazy, we must stop fighting with the Russians. And the only way to do that is give the Ukrainians weapons and heavily sanction the Russians. That's one smart president, playing right into the Russians hands.


Engorged Member
No, you're talking about a deep state, not me. But we all know you're a nutjob so it's not surprising.

I'm talking about what's right on the surface for all to see, blatant corruption and election meddling by the Democrats. Sheep like you eat up their trash.


Speaking of nutjobs, it seems increasingly apparent you've gone Alt Right. All of the Pepe The Frog stuff, the racist tinge, and your overall demeanor have changed from reasonable to Proud Boys/Richard Spencer nonsense.

You have a potential Orange Fuhrer, but sad to see you go that way, fren.

They're losers.


Engorged Member
Yes, true, Obama fought off the Rooskies by refusing to give the Ukrainians weapons. And kept world peace by giving them Crimea. Trump said this is crazy, we must stop fighting with the Russians. And the only way to do that is give the Ukrainians weapons and heavily sanction the Russians. That's one smart president, playing right into the Russians hands.

Overall, Trump has played directly into Putin's hands and given him almost everything he wants. I agree that Obama should have been tougher on Crimea, but if you recall, Trump has mentioned officially recognizing Crimea as a part of Russia.

One right move doesn't make up for a bunch of wrong ones.

Hillary was very tough on Russia, and Putin hated her. That's why he wanted Trump, and boy, has Trump delivered for Vlad.

Idiot vs. Evil Genius. Guess who prevails?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Yes, true, Obama fought off the Rooskies by refusing to give the Ukrainians weapons. And kept world peace by giving them Crimea. Trump said this is crazy, we must stop fighting with the Russians. And the only way to do that is give the Ukrainians weapons and heavily sanction the Russians. That's one smart president, playing right into the Russians hands.
LibTurds are too dumb to understand ...


Engorged Member
Really, is that what he did? Amazing, that Joe Biden. Apparently in every country where he was cleaning up corruption they threw money at his son in gratitude. Ukraine, China, Romania...........

Show us. I agree it was stupid to have Biden on the Burisma board. Was it a pretend position? Of course. Does it rise to the criminality you're pretending it does? No.

Trump is using the office to extort a foreign power for information that benefits him politically. Is that what Biden did, even IF Hunter Biden had sham jobs?

False equivalency.


Inordinately Right
Speaking of nutjobs, it seems increasingly apparent you've gone Alt Right. All of the Pepe The Frog stuff, the racist tinge, and your overall demeanor have changed from reasonable to Proud Boys/Richard Spencer nonsense.

You have a potential Orange Fuhrer, but sad to see you go that way, fren.

They're losers.
Your tears are glorious.
Carry on cuckold.


Well-Known Member
Bless your heart for thinking this is the first administration that had any garbage in it...…..being accused and being in jail are different'll see the difference if Clapper gets his orange jump suit.
Bless your heart, who said anything about jail?

I think there is a dacha on the Black Sea for him. Too bad he's too ill to play golf anymore.


Engorged Member
Bless your heart, who said anything about jail?

I think there is a dacha on the Black Sea for him. Too bad he's too ill to play golf anymore.

Besides the obvious Trump and Friends corruption in Ukraine, have any of Trump's kids benefitted from Daddy being President?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Speaking of nutjobs, it seems increasingly apparent you've gone Alt Right. All of the Pepe The Frog stuff, the racist tinge, and your overall demeanor have changed from reasonable to Proud Boys/Richard Spencer nonsense.

You have a potential Orange Fuhrer, but sad to see you go that way, fren.

They're losers.
Found a picture of you and Ricardo, back in happier days.

Now we know where you get your 'information'.


Well-Known Member
Show us. I agree it was stupid to have Biden on the Burisma board. Was it a pretend position? Of course. Does it rise to the criminality you're pretending it does? No.

Trump is using the office to extort a foreign power for information that benefits him politically. Is that what Biden did, even IF Hunter Biden had sham jobs?

False equivalency.
No evidence has been presented that Trump did that. Meanwhile Hunter Biden got millions from Burisma to sit on a board that he didn't even show up for. Good work if you can get it. He admitted in the ABC interview that he most likely wouldn't have gotten it if his dad wasn't the vice-president. No experience in private equity either, but China gave his little three man firm, newly created, $1 Billion, then upped it to $1.5 Billion. His dad was Obama's point man on China too. Amazing to me that you ho-hum such things then explode over Trump mentioning the Bidens. It's the president's legal duty to ascertain whether our foreign aid, i.e. our tax dollars, will actually be used for the intended purpose or will it be stolen by corrupt officials. That it was twisted by our own corrupt officials in an attempt to unseat Trump is why so many voted for him, and why we're all disgusted with Washington. Corruption on display by the Democrats.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No evidence has been presented that Trump did that. Meanwhile Hunter Biden got millions from Burisma to sit on a board that he didn't even show up for. Good work if you can get it. He admitted in the ABC interview that he most likely wouldn't have gotten it if his dad wasn't the vice-president. No experience in private equity either, but China gave his little three man firm, newly created, $1 Billion, then upped it to $1.5 Billion. His dad was Obama's point man on China too. Amazing to me that you ho-hum such things then explode over Trump mentioning the Bidens. It's the president's legal duty to ascertain whether our foreign aid, i.e. our tax dollars, will actually be used for the intended purpose or will it be stolen by corrupt officials. That it was twisted by our own corrupt officials in an attempt to unseat Trump is why so many voted for him, and why we're all disgusted with Washington. Corruption on display by the Democrats.
Do you think Ivanka would have gotten her Chinese trademarks without her family? It’s truly impossible to believe Trump cares about corruption. It takes an amazing self delusion to even consider that’s the case.