President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I wasn’t for treating this like the Black Plague to begin with. Absolutely overkill response in the face of theoretical death rates and lack of information/bad information.
What’s your point? Companies without reserves will fail or be acquired. That’s the free market you claim to love. Why should tax payers foot the bill for companies that weren’t prepared?


Well-Known Member
I could, why would I? I’m fully staffed with people waiting and looking at 10-20% unemployment coming. Do you not understand how labor markets work?
Sure do. You pay as little as you can get away with and still keep turnover acceptable. Then act high and mighty saying Republicans want to kill off 10% of the population if it means keeping their 401k in good shape. Hypocrite.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Sure do. You pay as little as you can get away with and still keep turnover acceptable. Then act high and mighty saying Republicans want to kill off 10% of the population if it means keeping their 401k in good shape. Hypocrite.
I don’t think you understand what the word hypocrisy means.


Well-Known Member
That we treat it the same way as we do the flu, and don't push this apocalyptic fear mongering narrative the left is using for political points.


Seems like this novel virus is waaay more contagious than the flu, and no one has immunity.

Death rates vary, I’m not sure we actually know, the numbers fluctuate daily.

So, your assertion is we should treat it like the annual flu, and go about our business?


El Correcto

god is dead

Seems like this novel virus is waaay more contagious than the flu, and no one has immunity.

Death rates vary, I’m not sure we actually know, the numbers fluctuate daily.

So, your assertion is we should treat it like the annual flu, and go about our business?

We know the death rates are around 1% or less.
We don’t treat the flu as “everyone go about our business” old folk and at risk people need to take more precautions or die.

Hell im a 13+ year smoker and not even thirty yet. I don’t know what my survival odds look like and don’t really care. Time to get the country back to work, lets start rolling some dice.