President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
it sounds like you dont understand what a turd ACA has been after Obama had to lie to the supreme court on round one to keep it from getting waxed.

the system moves slow but it works. your whining will not stop the train
I understand you don’t like the law. That’s no excuse for Trump to intentionally make it harder for newly unemployed people to get health insurance. It’s the current law, it could help people. Trump has made the choice not to help those people.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I understand you don’t like the law. That’s no excuse for Trump to intentionally make it harder for newly unemployed people to get health insurance. It’s the current law, it could help people. Trump has made the choice not to help those people.
Must make your job as an employer more difficult to justify not providing health insurance for your employees.


Well-Known Member
Im being serious point me in the right direction. I yearn to learn
there are various opinions on the current case available to google

basically many constitutionalist argue that you can not force someone to buy something in this case an insurance policy

the Obama presidency denied obamacare was a tax which it is and then when defending ACA in supreme court won the case by arguing that it was a tax and they had a right to levy taxes. the supreme court agreed.

in 2017 the republicans removed the tax therefore removing the reason the supreme court upheld ACA .

18 red states then sued to have Obamacare overturned. At some point the trump administration decided to join the lawsuit rather then have to defend it. other democratic states then decided to defend it.

personally I'll be surprised if it gets overturned completely by the supreme court. Obama knew once he enacted this legislation it would be almost impossible to overturn it. The harm of completely overturning it is too great. Trump is hoping it does get overturned so he can build his own plan. if obamacare was overturned the dem would have to work with trump to get something in place to fix all the gaps that would exist. Its kind of like ripping a tumor out of the body and then trying to fix all the damage .


Well-Known Member
I understand you don’t like the law. That’s no excuse for Trump to intentionally make it harder for newly unemployed people to get health insurance. It’s the current law, it could help people. Trump has made the choice not to help those people.

trump is a republican they generally dont like to band aid unpopular democratic legislation. Obama should have gotten republican buy in and put a better plan out there when he did it
what he did was slap some paint on a cadillac and hope the next driver would fix all the :censored2: that was broken on it.


Man of Great Wisdom
there are various opinions on the current case available to google

basically many constitutionalist argue that you can not force someone to buy something in this case an insurance policy

the Obama presidency denied obamacare was a tax which it is and then when defending ACA in supreme court won the case by arguing that it was a tax and they had a right to levy taxes. the supreme court agreed.

in 2017 the republicans removed the tax therefore removing the reason the supreme court upheld ACA .

18 red states then sued to have Obamacare overturned. At some point the trump administration decided to join the lawsuit rather then have to defend it. other democratic states then decided to defend it.

personally I'll be surprised if it gets overturned completely by the supreme court. Obama knew once he enacted this legislation it would be almost impossible to overturn it. The harm of completely overturning it is too great. Trump is hoping it does get overturned so he can build his own plan. if obamacare was overturned the dem would have to work with trump to get something in place to fix all the gaps that would exist. Its kind of like ripping a tumor out of the body and then trying to fix all the damage .
How about work out a plan to replace it before overturning it. Hard to convince people to drop a plan to replace it with no plan.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
trump is a republican they generally dont like to band aid unpopular democratic legislation. Obama should have gotten republican buy in and put a better plan out there when he did it
what he did was slap some paint on a cadillac and hope the next driver would fix all the :censored2: that was broken on it.

Trump can help the 10 million newly unemployed get cheaper health insurance. He refuses to do so.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
OK. So just standing-by and letting people unnecessarily die is OK? Leave it in God's hands, right?

Where was letting people die inferred?
God's hands? You have no idea how they work.

How about doing our best to save the life of anyone and everyone.

Careful. Even the unborn life ?

We let hundreds of thousands of people in Third World countries starve to death every year, and you could care less because they aren't Jesus babies you can "save".

Every night after supper and my belly is full, I look at third world countries and slap myself on the back because those non Jesus babies(whatever in your mind that is), non deserving of salvation, are starving.

Oh, yeah. Aren't you also one of those folks that advocates for the elimination of social programs that would help children who are born?

I advocate social programs that advocate getting off your ass and off the tit of the government. Work and take responsibility for your life. Any program, government or otherwise , that rewards losers and loser decisions, will never change the individual or the program. Help is one thing, abuse is another. What's pitiful is , our government allows it to continue.

You stay confused, and full of a religion you don't seem to understand.

I might be confused about a lot of things, but I assure you ,religion isn't one of them. I'd rather be full of religion than the s:censored2:t you're full of.