President Trump


nowhere special

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
The dims have been diagnosed with it and it is spreading. Half the country and the bc refuse to acknowledge it.
I will give it to Bernie. At least he is true to himself. The far left today are communist but refuse to say it because it is political suicide. Let's just go ahead and talk about the elephant in the room. A socialist is just a soft word for a communist.


Engorged Member
Oh sure, Trump held back info that might save lives. Are you sure you don't want to buy some swampland from me?

Yes, that is what I am saying. In order to "save" his economy and ratings, Trump would lie and minimize the threat. He is a sociopath, sir. That means he doesn't care.


Engorged Member
I will give it to Bernie. At least he is true to himself. The far left today are communist but refuse to say it because it is political suicide. Let's just go ahead and talk about the elephant in the room. A socialist is just a soft word for a communist.

There is a huge difference between so-called European Socialism and USSR-style communism. So, you're really off the mark when you say that "socialist is just a soft word for communist". Ever been to Europe? They're not communist, or anywhere close to it.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I will give it to Bernie. At least he is true to himself. The far left today are communist but refuse to say it because it is political suicide. Let's just go ahead and talk about the elephant in the room. A socialist is just a soft word for a communist.
You know what you are getting with him. The rest? Snakes in the grass.


Engorged Member
Where was letting people die inferred?
God's hands? You have no idea how they work.

Careful. Even the unborn life ?

Every night after supper and my belly is full, I look at third world countries and slap myself on the back because those non Jesus babies(whatever in your mind that is), non deserving of salvation, are starving.

I advocate social programs that advocate getting off your ass and off the tit of the government. Work and take responsibility for your life. Any program, government or otherwise , that rewards losers and loser decisions, will never change the individual or the program. Help is one thing, abuse is another. What's pitiful is , our government allows it to continue.

I might be confused about a lot of things, but I assure you ,religion isn't one of them. I'd rather be full of religion than the s:censored2:t you're full of.

You're a sicko.