President Trump


Well-Known Member
"Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, Mr. Trump has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 308 times since becoming President, and that’s as of Dec. 29, 2020.

The cost of Trump’s golf rounds to the American taxpayer varies by round and course, but it has totaled so far in the tens of millions of dollars. The Secret Service has spent at least $550,000 in third-party golf cart rentals and over $500,000 to stay overnight at Trump-owned properties, including his New Jersey country club."


good to know


Just a turd
trump didnt put infected patients into nursing homes. Cuomo the homo did
Trump was a weak leader, and a poor steward for our country.
All his fault. He will go down in history as the worst President of all time. They won't compare horrible leaders to "Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burned " , but instead compare horrible leaders to "Trump golfing while America collapsed ".
Cuomo should have never been in that situation, but because of Trumps incompetence he was.
Trumps fault


Well-Known Member
Trump was a weak leader, and a poor steward for our country.
All his fault. He will go down in history as the worst President of all time. They won't compare horrible leaders to "Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burned " , but instead compare horrible leaders to "Trump golfing while America collapsed ".
Cuomo should have never been in that situation, but because of Trumps incompetence he was.
Trumps fault
Nice flame thrower, lard ass, :thumbup1: :lol::lol::lol:.


Well-Known Member
Lol he signed both bills, he could have gotten the $2000 included in bill he just signed if he would have signaled that’s what he supported while they were negotiating the bill. Don’t you see that? So democrats are doing all the actual work, and republicans aren’t falling in line with anything. McConnell just blocked the vote on the bill. And trump does nothing. Sanders is the one fighting in the senate to get a vote on the money.

Turtles about to give them what they want with something they don't want. watch much politics ?or did you simply regurgitate DNC talking points?


Well-Known Member
Trump was a weak leader, and a poor steward for our country.
All his fault. He will go down in history as the worst President of all time. They won't compare horrible leaders to "Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burned " , but instead compare horrible leaders to "Trump golfing while America collapsed ".
Cuomo should have never been in that situation, but because of Trumps incompetence he was.
Trumps fault
paragraph three page 4 of the DNC talking points dated october 3rd , 2018. let me know when you get some fresh talking points

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Nice flame thrower, lard ass, :thumbup1: :lol::lol::lol:.


Well-Known Member
Thank You Sir.
Please tell the lard ass Happy New Year if you speak to him before I do.
Wishing a Happy New Year to you as well old rat. :thumbup1:

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Check @Old Man Jingles thread, lard ass, oh by the way," Hello Sir." :thumbup1: :lol:
Here is another picture of @Turdferguson ... "Yep! He voted for Biden!


Well-Known Member
Turtles about to give them what they want with something they don't want. watch much politics ?or did you simply regurgitate DNC talking points?
I saw what McConnell wanted ending section 230 for social media and an election commission. I have no idea what democrats are waiting for take that deal. The election commission will produce nothing, and ending 230 will be a disaster for posting on websites or social media for everyone. I have no idea why trump or republicans think its a great idea for republicans. People will be begging for it to be reinstated really quickly. So do it.


Well-Known Member
My understanding is section 230 means websites and social media aren't libel for misinformation that users post on their websites, they can't be sued, but ending section 230 means they can be sued for anything anyone posts on their platforms. If republicans falsely believe they are censored now, wait until, these companies can be sued for the insane stuff republicans put on their platforms. I have no idea why republicans think ending section 230 is a win for them, and I have no idea why democrats are hesitating. Agree to that bill and get millions of Americans $2000 each, that's easy.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
My understanding is section 230 means websites and social media aren't libel for misinformation that users post on their websites, they can't be sued, but ending section 230 means they can be sued for anything anyone posts on their platforms. If republicans falsely believe they are censored now, wait until, these companies can be sued for the insane stuff republicans put on their platforms. I have no idea why republicans think ending section 230 is a win for them, but I have no idea why democrats are hesitating. Agree to that bill and get millions of Americans $2000 each, that's easy.
Yeah. I don't think ending Section 230 would be as good for Trump's ongoing Twitter career as I guess he thinks it would be.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I don't think ending Section 230 would be as good for Trump's ongoing Twitter career as I guess he thinks it would be.
Yeah it is bizarre to me that so many elected republicans say we have to end section 230 protection from social media or websites. Like that protection is what allows people to go to facebook or twitter and post all manner of false, violent, insane bs without it even being noticed because these companies can't get sued for what users post, but end that protection from lawsuits, and they'll be clamping down on everything. People will be begging for it to be reinstated.

What's perplexing is why democrats didn't pounce on the deal, that'll get some individual families depending on dependents $10,000 seriously. I have no idea what they are doing.