President Trump


Well-Known Member
Again, republicans really want to believe these insane conspiracies of an all powerful left, controlling everything. Twitter, facebook, google all do the bidding of the left to destroy the right, the reality based media all do the bidding of the left to destroy the right. This is what republican elected officials feed republican voters. a fact based story about trump's criminal behavior, well you can't believe that story because its in the new York times and Washington post, or its on facebook and they are all out to get trump and us. Some insane conspiracy about a single individual taking down trump and getting him impeached that the reality based media won't cover cause it fiction, well that story is real, but the all powerful left is suppressing it. Over and over again republican voters want to hear stories of an all powerful left controlling everything that is out to destroy them. It is how they understand public life in America.
This is where you prove how dense you are. If Trump is committing or had committed crimes Mueller and team would've been all over it. Pelosi, Nadler, and Schiff would have impeached him. The one they did impeach him on had no corroborating fact witness who said he committed a crime. You approach everything from Democrats good, Republicans evil. Not bright at all.


Well-Known Member
I said democrats should have traded that 230 protection for the $2000 stimulus checks, because it wouldn't help republicans and everyone would be begging for it to be reinstated. I am merely explaining what I think 230 does which is protect social media/websites from being sued for what their users post, which encourages social media companies allow a lot of insane posts on their websites, but if you take away that protection, then they will delete even more posts, they'll have even more stringent requirements in order to post, it'll ruin these websites for users, but it won't help republicans, because right now republicans can sue the media and right now republicans believe they media is out to get them and suppresses stories, prints propaganda against republicans, etc.
Section 230 does protect social media from what their users post because they are a platform, not a news organization with editorial standards. When the platforms cease being just a platform that's where they get into trouble. And this is well documented in Congressional hearings where the CEO's have been grilled a number of times. Trump and the Republicans aren't just making this up, it has received Congressional scrutiny.


Well-Known Member
This is where you prove how dense you are. If Trump is committing or had committed crimes Mueller and team would've been all over it. Pelosi, Nadler, and Schiff would have impeached him. The one they did impeach him on had no corroborating fact witness who said he committed a crime. You approach everything from Democrats good, Republicans evil. Not bright at all.
Ok man, there are multiple criminal investigations into trump right now. hell before he was elected president he had to pay off people he ripped off from trump university. he paid Cohen to pay off to women he slept with to keep the stories out of the media, then lied about it, Cohen was convicted of a crime for those payments, but I know, I know, that's the all powerful left out to get trump. smh.


Well-Known Member
Section 230 does protect social media from what their users post because they are a platform, not a news organization with editorial standards. When the platforms cease being just a platform that's where they get into trouble. And this is well documented in Congressional hearings where the CEO's have been grilled a number of times. Trump and the Republicans aren't just making this up, it has received Congressional scrutiny.
Sure man, Ending section 230 will cause social media platforms to not be against republicans or give republicans the ability to sue and that will control them even though newspapers can be sued and republicans hate the reality based media and feel its all out to get them, sure ending 230 protection for social media companies will work out fine for republicans


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know you have no rebuttal, so name calling time. Look you put out an idea you sincerely believe that republican and democratic voters are both motivated by distrust of the other. I agree with you that republican voters really are motivated by hatred/fear/distrust, but that democratic constituencies are motivated by the policy issues that they want addressed, like criminal justice reform, less police violence, or addressing climate change, or giving equal educational opportunities to black children, or a $15 minimum wage, or a public health insurance option. Wanting policies/issues addressed has nothing to do with distrusting republicans.
This site intrigues me because it is an anonymous expression of views.

The whole political discourse has become so toxic that you really can’t discuss your views on either side in real life, because of the strong emotions it would elicit. And just like on here, you will NEVER change anyone else’s mind!

There are real political debates to be had on social issues..blacks should be treated fairly..police are necessary and do a difficult job under difficult situations.

Capitalism is great for innovation and rewards entrepreneurship..but the rich keep getting richer and many Americans get left behind

Minimum wage increases sound great in theory..but many jobs will be eliminated because of the higher wages.

Unfortunately people are so dug in and look at anyone with different views as the enemy, that no compromises are ever made.


Well-Known Member
Ok man, there are multiple criminal investigations into trump right now. hell before he was elected president he had to pay off people he ripped off from trump university. he paid Cohen to pay off to women he slept with to keep the stories out of the media, then lied about it, Cohen was convicted of a crime for those payments, but I know, I know, that's the all powerful left out to get trump. smh.
Paying those women off isn't illegal. It's scandalous, speaks to his character, but not illegal. And the Trump University issue was a civil case, not criminal. But that's neither here nor there. What we're talking about is are social media companies just platforms that need protection or have they crossed the line and thus shouldn't receive any more protections than newspapers or tv networks? And you speak of Trump like he's a major criminal yet refuse to acknowledge that the Biden family benefited off of Joe being a senator and vice-president to the tune of millions. And that makes Joe a compromised president subject to blackmail. Already documented how much Hunter was getting, he admitted to it in an ABC News interview. Your refusal to even consider this makes you a partisan hack.


Well-Known Member
Sure man, Ending section 230 will cause social media platforms to not be against republicans or give republicans the ability to sue and that will control them even though newspapers can be sued and republicans hate the reality based media and feel its all out to get them, sure ending 230 protection for social media companies will work out fine for republicans
If you say so.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
there are multiple criminal investigations into trump right now

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Paying those women off isn't illegal. It's scandalous, speaks to his character, but not illegal. And the Trump University issue was a civil case, not criminal. But that's neither here nor there. What we're talking about is are social media companies just platforms that need protection or have they crossed the line and thus shouldn't receive any more protections than newspapers or tv networks? And you speak of Trump like he's a major criminal yet refuse to acknowledge that the Biden family benefited off of Joe being a senator and vice-president to the tune of millions. And that makes Joe a compromised president subject to blackmail. Already documented how much Hunter was getting, he admitted to it in an ABC News interview. Your refusal to even consider this makes you a partisan hack.
Why do you think Michael Cohen is in prison? Paying off women with campaign funds was illegal. It was an illegal act committed at the direction of Trump.


Well-Known Member
This site intrigues me because it is an anonymous expression of views.

The whole political discourse has become so toxic that you really can’t discuss your views on either side in real life, because of the strong emotions it would elicit. And just like on here, you will NEVER change anyone else’s mind!

There are real political debates to be had on social issues..blacks should be treated fairly..police are necessary and do a difficult job under difficult situations.

Capitalism is great for innovation and rewards entrepreneurship..but the rich keep getting richer and many Americans get left behind

Minimum wage increases sound great in theory..but many jobs will be eliminated because of the higher wages.

Unfortunately people are so dug in and look at anyone with different views as the enemy, that no compromises are ever made.
I don't see anything as "toxic". I just think people are in fantasyland and view American public life with this conspiratorial mindset.

The main problem in American politics is an old problem in American politics. American governance was formed around eliminating huge segments of the population from participating in American governance. An ideology was created to justify excluding those Americans.
As a result a huge segment of Americans don't see millions of other Americans as real Americans, they see those other Americans as threats to America and don't want those people to benefit from the government or direct the government, and so they embrace a politics of negation. Its why we can't address actual issues because one political party doesn't have to care about addressing issues, they can pass tax cuts for billionaires and tell the rest of us to go kick rocks and still win a ton of elections.

In terms of your examples, the first one is utter bs. the second one is debatable, and the third one isn't really true.


Well-Known Member
Paying those women off isn't illegal. It's scandalous, speaks to his character, but not illegal. And the Trump University issue was a civil case, not criminal. But that's neither here nor there. What we're talking about is are social media companies just platforms that need protection or have they crossed the line and thus shouldn't receive any more protections than newspapers or tv networks? And you speak of Trump like he's a major criminal yet refuse to acknowledge that the Biden family benefited off of Joe being a senator and vice-president to the tune of millions. And that makes Joe a compromised president subject to blackmail. Already documented how much Hunter was getting, he admitted to it in an ABC News interview. Your refusal to even consider this makes you a partisan hack.
Yes it was illegal. trump still ripped off Americans and had to pay them back. Again ending 230 protections for those social media companies won't help republicans. Although I am all for it if it means Americans will get $2000 checks. I have explained why repeatedly. You keep using newspapers and I keep pointing out republicans right now think the reality based newspapers are out to get them, so what does being able to sue them correct for republicans? Nothing
I don't pretend that trump supporters care about government corruption. You supported trump a man who was getting money directly into his pockets from foreign governments and huge corporations and wealthy individuals while he was president. So you don't care about government corruption.


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything as "toxic". I just think people are in fantasyland and view American public life with this conspiratorial mindset.

The main problem in American politics is an old problem in American politics. American governance was formed around eliminating huge segments of the population from participating in American governance. An ideology was created to justify excluding those Americans.
As a result a huge segment of Americans don't see millions of other Americans as real Americans, they see those other Americans as threats to America and don't want those people to benefit from the government or direct the government, and so they embrace a politics of negation. Its why we can't address actual issues because one political party doesn't have to care about addressing issues, they can pass tax cuts for billionaires and tell the rest of us to go kick rocks and still win a ton of elections.

In terms of your examples, the first one is utter bs. the second one is debatable, and the third one isn't really true.


Inordinately Right
The main problem in American politics is an old problem in American politics. American governance was formed around eliminating huge segments of the population from participating in American governance. An ideology was created to justify excluding those Americans.
You are in fantasyland and view American government with this conspiratorial mindset.


Well-Known Member
Yes it was illegal. trump still ripped off Americans and had to pay them back. Again ending 230 protections for those social media companies won't help republicans. Although I am all for it if it means Americans will get $2000 checks. I have explained why repeatedly. You keep using newspapers and I keep pointing out republicans right now think the reality based newspapers are out to get them, so what does being able to sue them correct for republicans? Nothing
I don't pretend that trump supporters care about government corruption. You supported trump a man who was getting money directly into his pockets from foreign governments and huge corporations and wealthy individuals while he was president. So you don't care about government corruption.
You only focus on Republicans. You can't seem to grasp how this affects everyone. And I'm wasting energy trying to improve your comprehension. And you go on about Republicans believing conspiracy theories then you start spouting conspiracy theories. Let's make this clear...If you can prove Trump is corrupt then nail him to the wall. And I expect you to do the same with Biden.