President Trump


Well-Known Member
democratic spin that failed to address the democrats dont trust republicans part of the quote you quoted. more jibberish. I hope you dig better ditch's than you do spin DNC talking points.
I don’t know whether democratic voters trust republicans. My point is that distrust of republicans is not what motivates and animates democratic constituencies to care about politics. Democratic constituencies actually want the Democratic Party to address their policy and societal issues. That’s what’s motivates their political activity and their political support. I do think republican voters primary political motivation is distrust/hatred/fear of those democratic constituencies. I do not think republican voters care about policy as much as they see the republican party as a way to negate those groups of Americans they distrust/hate/fear.
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Well-Known Member
This is another example of what republican voters want from the republican party, these kind of insane conspiracies that involve John Robert’s secretly serving the left and having Scalia killed. This kind of warped view of American public life of an all powerful left controlling everything including chief justice Roberts and having a Supreme Court justice killed is what many republican voters want to believe.
the republican party is a conspiracy theory machine pumping out these kinds of insane stories about an all powerful left who can steal a presidential election, kill a Supreme Court justice, falsely get a president impeached, create the COVID virus with the help of China to weaken America and hurt trump, create the climate change hoax, create a massive protest movement against police violence, etc, all in an effort to to destroy republicans and America.


Inordinately Right
I don’t know whether democratic voters trust republicans. My point is that distrust of republicans is not what motivates and animates democratic constituencies to care about politics. Democratic constituencies actually want the Democratic Party to address their policy and societal issues. That’s what’s motivates their political activity and their political support. I do think republican voters primary political motivation is distrust/hatred/fear of those democratic constituencies. I do not think republican voters care about policy as much as they see the republican party as a way to negate those groups of Americans they distrust/hate/fear.
This is another example of what republican voters want from the republican party, these kind of insane conspiracies that involve John Robert’s secretly serving the left and having Scalia killed. This kind of warped view of American public life of an all powerful left controlling everything including chief justice Roberts and having a Supreme Court justice killed is what many republican voters want to believe.
the republican party is a conspiracy theory machine pumping out these kinds of insane stories about an all powerful left who can steal a presidential election, kill a Supreme Court justice, falsely get a president impeached, create the COVID virus with the help of China to weaken America and hurt trump, create the climate change hoax, create a massive protest movement against police violence, etc, all in an effort to to destroy republicans and America.
I don't know why you pretend to believe those fantasyland delusions. Carry on.


Well-Known Member
DNC talking points . you avoid saying anything negative about democrats ever.
Who in the dnc have you ever heard say what I just posted?
I post negative stuff about the republican party for reasons I have already given. I think without a doubt republican political governance at the national level has been very bad for this nation. Very bad for workers, very bad for families, very bad for the economy, etc. I think elected republicans at the national level are extremely radical on policy, and while I think republican voters aren’t radical on policy, most republican voters do have a conspiracy filled apocalyptic world view that is about negating groups of Americans they hate and fear. That’s all bad for the nation.


Well-Known Member
Who in the dnc have you ever heard say what I just posted?
I post negative stuff about the republican party for reasons I have already given. I think without a doubt republican political governance at the national level has been very bad for this nation. Very bad for workers, very bad for families, very bad for the economy, etc. I think elected republicans at the national level are extremely radical on policy, and while I think republican voters aren’t radical on policy, most republican voters do have a conspiracy filled apocalyptic world view that is about negating groups of Americans they hate and fear. That’s all bad for the nation.
You don't think.
You are programmed.

Prove me wrong, support these statements, "your" statements with supporting evidence and examples.

I think without a doubt republican political governance at the national level has been very bad for this nation.

Very bad for workers, very bad for families, very bad for the economy, etc.
Get busy.


Well-Known Member
You don't think.
You are programmed.

Prove me wrong, support these statements, "your" statements with supporting evidence and examples.

Get busy.
I did already. I listed the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in republican administrations going back to Reagan. and compared that to the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in Democratic administrations. Reagan, GWBush and trump all had dozens of people in their administrations indicted or convicted of crimes. I detailed the policy failures in every republican presidential administration from Reagan to trump and look at the economic performance the last 3 republicans presidents left the economy worse off than what they inherited, Reagan had the savings and loans scandals that cost us billions, he had the Iran-Contra, the numerous "wars" in south America, and arming Bin Laden, and the HUD scandal, GHBush pardoned many criminals from Iran Contra and then had a recession and a jobless recovery, and he started our endless wars in the middle east wars, GWBush had 9/11, the disastrous war on terror and war in Iraq, the incompetence of handling the Katrina Hurricane, the housing crisis and the huge recession, Trump had Russia where many in his campaign were convicted for crimes, he had multiple administration members leave due to corruption, there was his horrible handling of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, his Ukraine scandal which got him impeached, his disastrous handling of coronavirus, America is 5% of the worlds population and has 20% of all coronavirus deaths, the economic downturn and lose of millions of jobs.


Well-Known Member
I did already. I listed the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in republican administrations going back to Reagan. and compared that to the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in Democratic administrations. Reagan, GWBush and trump all had dozens of people in their administrations indicted or convicted of crimes. I detailed the policy failures in every republican presidential administration from Reagan to trump and look at the economic performance the last 3 republicans presidents left the economy worse off than what they inherited, Reagan had the savings and loans scandals that cost us billions, he had the Iran-Contra, the numerous "wars" in south America, and arming Bin Laden, and the HUD scandal, GHBush pardoned many criminals from Iran Contra and then had a recession and a jobless recovery, and he started our endless wars in the middle east wars, GWBush had 9/11, the disastrous war on terror and war in Iraq, the incompetence of handling the Katrina Hurricane, the housing crisis and the huge recession, Trump had Russia where many in his campaign were convicted for crimes, he had multiple administration members leave due to corruption, there was his horrible handling of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, his Ukraine scandal which got him impeached, his disastrous handling of coronavirus, America is 5% of the worlds population and has 20% of all coronavirus deaths, the economic downturn and lose of millions of jobs.
What wars did Reagan conduct in South America?


Well-Known Member
I did already. I listed the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in republican administrations going back to Reagan. and compared that to the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in Democratic administrations. Reagan, GWBush and trump all had dozens of people in their administrations indicted or convicted of crimes. I detailed the policy failures in every republican presidential administration from Reagan to trump and look at the economic performance the last 3 republicans presidents left the economy worse off than what they inherited, Reagan had the savings and loans scandals that cost us billions, he had the Iran-Contra, the numerous "wars" in south America, and arming Bin Laden, and the HUD scandal, GHBush pardoned many criminals from Iran Contra and then had a recession and a jobless recovery, and he started our endless wars in the middle east wars, GWBush had 9/11, the disastrous war on terror and war in Iraq, the incompetence of handling the Katrina Hurricane, the housing crisis and the huge recession, Trump had Russia where many in his campaign were convicted for crimes, he had multiple administration members leave due to corruption, there was his horrible handling of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, his Ukraine scandal which got him impeached, his disastrous handling of coronavirus, America is 5% of the worlds population and has 20% of all coronavirus deaths, the economic downturn and lose of millions of jobs.
Trump was accused of colluding with Russia by Democrats. Most convicted were for "lying". Pressure put on them by Mueller trying to make them lie about Trump.


Well-Known Member
I did already. I listed the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in republican administrations going back to Reagan. and compared that to the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in Democratic administrations. Reagan, GWBush and trump all had dozens of people in their administrations indicted or convicted of crimes. I detailed the policy failures in every republican presidential administration from Reagan to trump and look at the economic performance the last 3 republicans presidents left the economy worse off than what they inherited, Reagan had the savings and loans scandals that cost us billions, he had the Iran-Contra, the numerous "wars" in south America, and arming Bin Laden, and the HUD scandal, GHBush pardoned many criminals from Iran Contra and then had a recession and a jobless recovery, and he started our endless wars in the middle east wars, GWBush had 9/11, the disastrous war on terror and war in Iraq, the incompetence of handling the Katrina Hurricane, the housing crisis and the huge recession, Trump had Russia where many in his campaign were convicted for crimes, he had multiple administration members leave due to corruption, there was his horrible handling of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, his Ukraine scandal which got him impeached, his disastrous handling of coronavirus, America is 5% of the worlds population and has 20% of all coronavirus deaths, the economic downturn and lose of millions of jobs.
Reagan didn't arm bin Laden.


Well-Known Member
I did already. I listed the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in republican administrations going back to Reagan. and compared that to the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in Democratic administrations. Reagan, GWBush and trump all had dozens of people in their administrations indicted or convicted of crimes. I detailed the policy failures in every republican presidential administration from Reagan to trump and look at the economic performance the last 3 republicans presidents left the economy worse off than what they inherited, Reagan had the savings and loans scandals that cost us billions, he had the Iran-Contra, the numerous "wars" in south America, and arming Bin Laden, and the HUD scandal, GHBush pardoned many criminals from Iran Contra and then had a recession and a jobless recovery, and he started our endless wars in the middle east wars, GWBush had 9/11, the disastrous war on terror and war in Iraq, the incompetence of handling the Katrina Hurricane, the housing crisis and the huge recession, Trump had Russia where many in his campaign were convicted for crimes, he had multiple administration members leave due to corruption, there was his horrible handling of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, his Ukraine scandal which got him impeached, his disastrous handling of coronavirus, America is 5% of the worlds population and has 20% of all coronavirus deaths, the economic downturn and lose of millions of jobs.
Hurricane Katrina incompetence falls squarely on the Democratic mayor and governor who tried to blame Bush.


Well-Known Member
I did already. I listed the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in republican administrations going back to Reagan. and compared that to the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in Democratic administrations. Reagan, GWBush and trump all had dozens of people in their administrations indicted or convicted of crimes. I detailed the policy failures in every republican presidential administration from Reagan to trump and look at the economic performance the last 3 republicans presidents left the economy worse off than what they inherited, Reagan had the savings and loans scandals that cost us billions, he had the Iran-Contra, the numerous "wars" in south America, and arming Bin Laden, and the HUD scandal, GHBush pardoned many criminals from Iran Contra and then had a recession and a jobless recovery, and he started our endless wars in the middle east wars, GWBush had 9/11, the disastrous war on terror and war in Iraq, the incompetence of handling the Katrina Hurricane, the housing crisis and the huge recession, Trump had Russia where many in his campaign were convicted for crimes, he had multiple administration members leave due to corruption, there was his horrible handling of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, his Ukraine scandal which got him impeached, his disastrous handling of coronavirus, America is 5% of the worlds population and has 20% of all coronavirus deaths, the economic downturn and lose of millions of jobs.
The Middle East blew up under Obama. Who also let the Russians take the Crimean peninsula.


Well-Known Member
I did already. I listed the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in republican administrations going back to Reagan. and compared that to the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in Democratic administrations. Reagan, GWBush and trump all had dozens of people in their administrations indicted or convicted of crimes. I detailed the policy failures in every republican presidential administration from Reagan to trump and look at the economic performance the last 3 republicans presidents left the economy worse off than what they inherited, Reagan had the savings and loans scandals that cost us billions, he had the Iran-Contra, the numerous "wars" in south America, and arming Bin Laden, and the HUD scandal, GHBush pardoned many criminals from Iran Contra and then had a recession and a jobless recovery, and he started our endless wars in the middle east wars, GWBush had 9/11, the disastrous war on terror and war in Iraq, the incompetence of handling the Katrina Hurricane, the housing crisis and the huge recession, Trump had Russia where many in his campaign were convicted for crimes, he had multiple administration members leave due to corruption, there was his horrible handling of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, his Ukraine scandal which got him impeached, his disastrous handling of coronavirus, America is 5% of the worlds population and has 20% of all coronavirus deaths, the economic downturn and lose of millions of jobs.
Reagan's economy was great. George W. Bush had a good economy going until Wall Street and some idiot Democratic congressmen blew up the housing market.


Well-Known Member
I did already. I listed the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in republican administrations going back to Reagan. and compared that to the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in Democratic administrations. Reagan, GWBush and trump all had dozens of people in their administrations indicted or convicted of crimes. I detailed the policy failures in every republican presidential administration from Reagan to trump and look at the economic performance the last 3 republicans presidents left the economy worse off than what they inherited, Reagan had the savings and loans scandals that cost us billions, he had the Iran-Contra, the numerous "wars" in south America, and arming Bin Laden, and the HUD scandal, GHBush pardoned many criminals from Iran Contra and then had a recession and a jobless recovery, and he started our endless wars in the middle east wars, GWBush had 9/11, the disastrous war on terror and war in Iraq, the incompetence of handling the Katrina Hurricane, the housing crisis and the huge recession, Trump had Russia where many in his campaign were convicted for crimes, he had multiple administration members leave due to corruption, there was his horrible handling of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, his Ukraine scandal which got him impeached, his disastrous handling of coronavirus, America is 5% of the worlds population and has 20% of all coronavirus deaths, the economic downturn and lose of millions of jobs.
GHBush didn't start endless wars in the Middle East. He repelled the invasion of a major oil producer.


Well-Known Member
I did already. I listed the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in republican administrations going back to Reagan. and compared that to the number of people indicted or convicted of crimes in Democratic administrations. Reagan, GWBush and trump all had dozens of people in their administrations indicted or convicted of crimes. I detailed the policy failures in every republican presidential administration from Reagan to trump and look at the economic performance the last 3 republicans presidents left the economy worse off than what they inherited, Reagan had the savings and loans scandals that cost us billions, he had the Iran-Contra, the numerous "wars" in south America, and arming Bin Laden, and the HUD scandal, GHBush pardoned many criminals from Iran Contra and then had a recession and a jobless recovery, and he started our endless wars in the middle east wars, GWBush had 9/11, the disastrous war on terror and war in Iraq, the incompetence of handling the Katrina Hurricane, the housing crisis and the huge recession, Trump had Russia where many in his campaign were convicted for crimes, he had multiple administration members leave due to corruption, there was his horrible handling of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, his Ukraine scandal which got him impeached, his disastrous handling of coronavirus, America is 5% of the worlds population and has 20% of all coronavirus deaths, the economic downturn and lose of millions of jobs.
And yet again blaming Trump for a virus no one could've stopped. The Ukraine scandal was a lie. And Puerto Rico primarily suffered from the corruption of local leadership.


Well-Known Member
Trump was accused of colluding with Russia by Democrats. Most convicted were for "lying". Pressure put on them by Mueller trying to make them lie about Trump.
This is wrong. An investigation was opened by the FBI into russia hacking emails by democrats and releasing them to help trump and sway our elections, and it was found out that a lot of people in the trump campaign had questionable ties to Russia and Ukraine, and therefore 6-7 trump campaign people were convicted of crimes. Then trump went on tv and told Russia to release H. Clinton's emails.