republican elected officials at the national level are corrupt, they repeatedly have national scandals that highlight their corruption and bad policy ideas, their presidential administrations are filled with criminal activity with multiple indictments and convictions, they are terrible for the economy, the last three republican presidents ending their terms with the economy much worse off than what they inherited, their policies don't help anyone at the national level and are unpopular and their voters do believe a bunch of delusional conspiracy theories about American public life that enables republicans to be so radical. You believe the reality based media and big tech all suppressed a story about Hunter Biden because they are tools of the left. That's insane. conservatives believe that the "deep state" in the fbi, the cia, the DOJ, etc are all out to get trump, that's insane. republican voters believe that the deep state stole the election from trump and yet nothing can be proven in court. that's insane. republican voters believe that Hollywood, big tech, the reality based media, academia are all out to get republicans. That's an insane mainstream republican voter belief.
Democrats have huge problems. Massive problems, but not those kind of fundamental problems. The republican party is a drag on America and hurts the nation. Again look at how the nation has faired under the last 3 republican presidents, It wasn't good.