President Trump


Well-Known Member
Hurricane Katrina incompetence falls squarely on the Democratic mayor and governor who tried to blame Bush.
Because you think other elected officials failed during katrina doesn't mean GWBush didn't fail, and he surely did. I suggest you read the GWBush administration's report on Katrina.


Well-Known Member
The Middle East blew up under Obama. Who also let the Russians take the Crimean peninsula.
I have no idea what that even means. It blew up under Obama. The Iraq War destabilized the middle east led to a civil war in Iraq and Syria, with ethnic/religious strife, it led to Iran getting involved in the civil wars in Iraq and Syria


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what that even means. It blew up under Obama. The Iraq War destabilized the middle east led to a civil war in Iraq and Syria, with ethnic/religious strife, it led to Iran getting involved in the civil wars in Iraq and Syria
GHBush didn't start the Iraq War. You said he started the Middle East Wars. And yes under Obama there was the "Arab Spring" that blew up the Middle East. It was Obama who designated a red line that must not be crossed in Syria but when it was he did nothing, all talk. He called ISIS the "JV team" and did nothing to stop them from killing hundreds of thousands.


Well-Known Member
Because you think other elected officials failed during katrina doesn't mean GWBush didn't fail, and he surely did. I suggest you read the GWBush administration's report on Katrina.
You don't get it once again. In natural disasters state governors are in charge plus local mayors. The Federal government must be asked to come in. The president can't just take over.


Well-Known Member
This is wrong. An investigation was opened by the FBI into russia hacking emails by democrats and releasing them to help trump and sway our elections, and it was found out that a lot of people in the trump campaign had questionable ties to Russia and Ukraine, and therefore 6-7 trump campaign people were convicted of crimes. Then trump went on tv and told Russia to release H. Clinton's emails.
None of the Trump officials were convicted of crimes connected to Russian collusion. The closest to a Russian connection was Paul Manafort who had extensive dealings with Russians in the past. He got convicted of a crime from many years before that a prosecutor at that time decided to not prosecute him for. Trump in one of the debates joked that he hoped Russia had Hillary's emails that she had deleted and hoped they would release them. Came out a couple of months ago that John Brennan, Obama's CIA chief, had briefed Obama and James Comey that the Clinton campaign had come up with the whole Russian narrative to shift focus away from her email server scandal.


Well-Known Member
None of the Trump officials were convicted of crimes connected to Russian collusion. The closest to a Russian connection was Paul Manafort who had extensive dealings with Russians in the past. He got convicted of a crime from many years before that a prosecutor at that time decided to not prosecute him for. Trump in one of the debates joked that he hoped Russia had Hillary's emails that she had deleted and hoped they would release them. Came out a couple of months ago that John Brennan, Obama's CIA chief, had briefed Obama and James Comey that the Clinton campaign had come up with the whole Russian narrative to shift focus away from her email server scandal.
"Came out a couple of months ago that John Brennan, Obama's CIA chief, had briefed Obama and James Comey that the Clinton campaign had come up with the whole Russian narrative to shift focus away from her email server scandal."

Where did that come from?


nowhere special
"Came out a couple of months ago that John Brennan, Obama's CIA chief, had briefed Obama and James Comey that the Clinton campaign had come up with the whole Russian narrative to shift focus away from her email server scandal."

Where did that come from?
Freedom of Information releases


Well-Known Member
Just after Pompeo took over as CIA director in 2017, he conducted a personal review of the CIA’s findings, grilling analysts on their conclusions in a challenging and at times combative interview, people in attendance said. He ultimately found no evidence of any wrongdoing, or that the analysts had been under political pressure to produce their findings.


Well-Known Member
Reagan's economy was great. George W. Bush had a good economy going until Wall Street and some idiot Democratic congressmen blew up the housing market.
The last three republican presidents have all had worse economies at the end of their term than what they inherited. Saying something was good then it wasn’t doesn’t mean anything. The unemployment rate at the start of the Carter presidency in January 1977 was 7.5% end of the of the the Carter presidency in January 1981 it was 7.5%, the unemployment rate at the end of the Reagan administration in January 1989 was 5.4%, the unemployment at the end of the GHBush administration in January 1993 was 7.3%, the unemployment rate at the end of the Clinton presidency in January 2001 was 4.2%, the unemployment rate at the end of the GWBush administration in January 2009 was 7.8% the unemployment rate at the end of the Barack Obama presidency in January 2017 was 4.7% and trump’s presidency still has January of 2021, but right now the unemployment rate in December was 6.7%. So the last three Republican presidents have been a disaster. None of the last 4 Republican president ended with their unemployment rate being lower than Clinton’s or Barack Obama’s. Republican presidents are bad for the us employment rate.


Well-Known Member
And yet again blaming Trump for a virus no one could've stopped. The Ukraine scandal was a lie. And Puerto Rico primarily suffered from the corruption of local leadership.
The us has 5% of the worlds population and 20% of the worlds coronavirus deaths, we are doing worse then other nations. The Ukraine scandal was trumped on the phone with the Ukrainian president saying investigate joe Biden and hold a press conference to announce your investigation, and then he with head their military aid when the Ukrainian government didn’t say they were investigating joe Biden. That’s what objectively happened and that’s why he was impeached. Again saying that some government officials didn’t perform well during the the hurricane does not justify trump’s failures. .


Well-Known Member
"Hedge funds, banks, and insurance companies caused the subprime mortgage crisis. Hedge funds and banks created mortgage-backed securities. The insurance companies covered them with credit default swaps. Demand for mortgages led to an asset bubble in housing.

When the Federal Reserve raised the federal funds rate, it sent adjustable mortgage interest rates skyrocketing. As a result, home prices plummeted, and borrowers defaulted. Derivatives spread the risk into every corner of the globe. That caused the 2007 banking crisis, the 2008 financial crisis, and the Great Recession. It created the worst recession since the Great Depression. "

The Balance

The big package

Well-Known Member
The last three republican presidents have all had worse economies at the end of their term than what they inherited. Saying something was good then it wasn’t doesn’t mean anything. The unemployment rate at the start of the Carter presidency in January 1977 was 7.5% end of the of the the Carter presidency in January 1981 it was 7.5%, the unemployment rate at the end of the Reagan administration in January 1989 was 5.4%, the unemployment at the end of the GHBush administration in January 1993 was 7.3%, the unemployment rate at the end of the Clinton presidency in January 2001 was 4.2%, the unemployment rate at the end of the GWBush administration in January 2009 was 7.8% the unemployment rate at the end of the Barack Obama presidency in January 2017 was 4.7% and trump’s presidency still has January of 2021, but right now the unemployment rate in December was 6.7%. So the last three Republican presidents have been a disaster. None of the last 4 Republican president ended with their unemployment rate being lower than Clinton’s or Barack Obama’s. Republican presidents are bad for the us employment rate.
As per usual you put out jaded numbers CNN :hypnosis: would be very proud because they are very good at doing things like that . But you can't just throw numbers out without the facts behind the numbers . At the end of 2019 the national unemployment rate was 3.5%. That's the only number that you can go by to this point because the virus did damage to our country and virus was not our fault , but we are now fixing the problem Thanks to President Trump !!!

The big package

Well-Known Member
The last three republican presidents have all had worse economies at the end of their term than what they inherited. Saying something was good then it wasn’t doesn’t mean anything. The unemployment rate at the start of the Carter presidency in January 1977 was 7.5% end of the of the the Carter presidency in January 1981 it was 7.5%, the unemployment rate at the end of the Reagan administration in January 1989 was 5.4%, the unemployment at the end of the GHBush administration in January 1993 was 7.3%, the unemployment rate at the end of the Clinton presidency in January 2001 was 4.2%, the unemployment rate at the end of the GWBush administration in January 2009 was 7.8% the unemployment rate at the end of the Barack Obama presidency in January 2017 was 4.7% and trump’s presidency still has January of 2021, but right now the unemployment rate in December was 6.7%. So the last three Republican presidents have been a disaster. None of the last 4 Republican president ended with their unemployment rate being lower than Clinton’s or Barack Obama’s. Republican presidents are bad for the us employment rate.
Also you talk about Jimmy Carter and last I checked 7.5% unemployment rate at the beginning and 7.5% unemployment rate at the end of his presidency is not worse but the reason was because they kept raising interest rates which was actually not that bad as far as I was concerned because people made some money with CDs etc , but the reason was high inflation because of the oil crisis which Trump now has made us energy independent so we don't have to deal with a problem like that again !!! Until dementia Joe takes that away from us and then we'll be right back to the 1970s