President Trump


Well-Known Member
"Came out a couple of months ago that John Brennan, Obama's CIA chief, had briefed Obama and James Comey that the Clinton campaign had come up with the whole Russian narrative to shift focus away from her email server scandal."

Where did that come from?
The Director of National Intelligence released Brennan's notes from his briefings with Obama and Comey. Brennan didn't deny it but rather got angry about them releasing his notes.


Well-Known Member
Just after Pompeo took over as CIA director in 2017, he conducted a personal review of the CIA’s findings, grilling analysts on their conclusions in a challenging and at times combative interview, people in attendance said. He ultimately found no evidence of any wrongdoing, or that the analysts had been under political pressure to produce their findings.
Don't know who you're sourcing there, but let's see if Durham corroborates that.


Well-Known Member
The last three republican presidents have all had worse economies at the end of their term than what they inherited. Saying something was good then it wasn’t doesn’t mean anything. The unemployment rate at the start of the Carter presidency in January 1977 was 7.5% end of the of the the Carter presidency in January 1981 it was 7.5%, the unemployment rate at the end of the Reagan administration in January 1989 was 5.4%, the unemployment at the end of the GHBush administration in January 1993 was 7.3%, the unemployment rate at the end of the Clinton presidency in January 2001 was 4.2%, the unemployment rate at the end of the GWBush administration in January 2009 was 7.8% the unemployment rate at the end of the Barack Obama presidency in January 2017 was 4.7% and trump’s presidency still has January of 2021, but right now the unemployment rate in December was 6.7%. So the last three Republican presidents have been a disaster. None of the last 4 Republican president ended with their unemployment rate being lower than Clinton’s or Barack Obama’s. Republican presidents are bad for the us employment rate.
The Republicans took over Congress in '94 and made Clinton successful. Carter was a disaster. Obama didn't do at but print money. You get your ideas from Democrats who twist everything but the truth is that typically Republicans come in to clean up Democrat messes. And if the Democrats try to put us back under the Paris Accords and try to implement the Green New Deal we're going to have an awful mess.


Well-Known Member
The us has 5% of the worlds population and 20% of the worlds coronavirus deaths, we are doing worse then other nations. The Ukraine scandal was trumped on the phone with the Ukrainian president saying investigate joe Biden and hold a press conference to announce your investigation, and then he with head their military aid when the Ukrainian government didn’t say they were investigating joe Biden. That’s what objectively happened and that’s why he was impeached. Again saying that some government officials didn’t perform well during the the hurricane does not justify trump’s failures. .
Biden is on video talking about how he threatened to withhold a billion in aid if the Ukrainians didn't fire the prosecutor who just happened to be investigating corruption at the company who was paying Joe's son $83k a month to sit on their board, doing nothing. Meanwhile Democrats tried to accuse Trump of a quid pro quo but in the Senate trial could not produce one fact witness. It's amazing how the truth comes out when people are out under oath and risk prison if they lie.


Well-Known Member
Lol so the unemployment rate under Barack Obama as president and Biden as VP falls from a high of 10% to 4.7%, and from trump it goes from 4.7% to well over 6% and trump deserves the credit if it goes back down, well does trump deserve the blame if it goes up? See you can’t have it both ways. If trump deserves the credit if the unemployment goes down under potus Biden, then he deserves the blame if it goes up under Biden.
That's convoluted logic. Trump had record unemployment but no president could've prevented what happened with the virus.


Well-Known Member
Yes he did, since we went into Kuwait we have had some military conflict in the Middle East up until today. For 30 years war in the Middle East. It started with GHBush.
One doesn't cause the other. We didn't start the war in Kuwait, we went in to repel Hussein's invasion of Kuwait. And it was 10+ years later before we were involved in another war there militarily.


Well-Known Member
The Republicans took over Congress in '94 and made Clinton successful. Carter was a disaster. Obama didn't do at but print money. You get your ideas from Democrats who twist everything but the truth is that typically Republicans come in to clean up Democrat messes. And if the Democrats try to put us back under the Paris Accords and try to implement the Green New Deal we're going to have an awful mess.
Lol ok sure. Again man you can go back to Harry Truman and compare democratic presidents and republican administrations and how the economy performs. Just look it up. Again, the fact is the last three republican administrations have left the economy worse off. In fact, the employment rate has went up the last two times a democratic president left office and was followed by a republican administration. And the unemployment rate has gone down the last two times a democratic president followed a republican administration. That’s objective reality. You can pretend all you want about the Paris accords or the green new deal, but it’s just that pretending.


Well-Known Member
Biden is on video talking about how he threatened to withhold a billion in aid if the Ukrainians didn't fire the prosecutor who just happened to be investigating corruption at the company who was paying Joe's son $83k a month to sit on their board, doing nothing. Meanwhile Democrats tried to accuse Trump of a quid pro quo but in the Senate trial could not produce one fact witness. It's amazing how the truth comes out when people are out under oath and risk prison if they lie.
I know another conspiracy theory. It’s a conspiracy because this thing has been debunked repeatedly. but republicans are dedicated to pretending. No matter the investigations that say nothing was wrong, the timing was off between when Biden was vp, and hunter Biden’s deals, they just keep pretending. And when nothing comes of their phony investigations again, it’ll be another deep state plot controlled by the all powerful left. Rinse and repeat.


Well-Known Member
That's convoluted logic. Trump had record unemployment but no president could've prevented what happened with the virus.
Again, I am about objective reality, that the last three republican administrations have all ended with the economy worse off and unemployment higher than when they took office. You can look it up. You don’t have to believe anything to see that fact.
The US is 5% of the world’s population and 20% of all the world’s coronavirus deaths. trump did a terrible job and other nation’s economies are doing better. That’s objective reality too.


Well-Known Member
One doesn't cause the other. We didn't start the war in Kuwait, we went in to repel Hussein's invasion of Kuwait. And it was 10+ years later before we were involved in another war there militarily.
Hey it did. I have no idea why you want to be ignorant. The war in Kuwait led directly to us being in a 30 year war in the Middle East.


Well-Known Member
Lol ok sure. Again man you can go back to Harry Truman and compare democratic presidents and republican administrations and how the economy performs. Just look it up. Again, the fact is the last three republican administrations have left the economy worse off. In fact, the employment rate has went up the last two times a democratic president left office and was followed by a republican administration. And the unemployment rate has gone down the last two times a democratic president followed a republican administration. That’s objective reality. You can pretend all you want about the Paris accords or the green new deal, but it’s just that pretending.
You want to go back to Truman? Eisenhower had the most prosperous era in history in the 50's after he took over from Truman. What am I pretending about with those?


Well-Known Member
Hey it did. I have no idea why you want to be ignorant. The war in Kuwait led directly to us being in a 30 year war in the Middle East.
No, it didn't. You are literally the living embodiment of a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. You have very little knowledge, and extrapolate what you do have into fantasies. We have been engaged in the Middle East since the 50's. We needed the oil. We weren't in constant war for 30 years, if so name them. And George Bush Sr didn't start the Kuwaiti War. As for Central America we were involved in trying to stop communist insurgencies. Will be the first to admit mistakes were made, laws broken. But you're not even aware that they were in Central America, not South America. And you thought Reagan had us in Chile. Crack a book for crying out loud!


Well-Known Member
Again, I am about objective reality, that the last three republican administrations have all ended with the economy worse off and unemployment higher than when they took office. You can look it up. You don’t have to believe anything to see that fact.
The US is 5% of the world’s population and 20% of all the world’s coronavirus deaths. trump did a terrible job and other nation’s economies are doing better. That’s objective reality too.
Name the other nations doing better?


Well-Known Member
I know another conspiracy theory. It’s a conspiracy because this thing has been debunked repeatedly. but republicans are dedicated to pretending. No matter the investigations that say nothing was wrong, the timing was off between when Biden was vp, and hunter Biden’s deals, they just keep pretending. And when nothing comes of their phony investigations again, it’ll be another deep state plot controlled by the all powerful left. Rinse and repeat.
Hunter Biden sat on the board of Burisma when his dad was vice-president. A field he had no experience in. He flew to China with his dad on Air Force 2 and a couple of weeks afterwards a Chinese bank controlled by the CCP gave his newly formed three man private equity firm a billion dollars. Added half a billion later. A field he has no experience in. Just so happened Biden was put in charge of Obama administration policy for Ukraine and China. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
You want to go back to Truman? Eisenhower had the most prosperous era in history in the 50's after he took over from Truman. What am I pretending about with those?
Truman was before Eisenhower, so going all the way back to Truman would include Eisenhower. You can look this up. republican presidents haven’t really been good for the economy especially when compared to democratic presidents for a long time.


Well-Known Member
Hunter Biden sat on the board of Burisma when his dad was vice-president. A field he had no experience in. He flew to China with his dad on Air Force 2 and a couple of weeks afterwards a Chinese bank controlled by the CCP gave his newly formed three man private equity firm a billion dollars. Added half a billion later. A field he has no experience in. Just so happened Biden was put in charge of Obama administration policy for Ukraine and China. Go figure.
I’m not going to pretend that trump supporters care about government corruption. trump as president himself was getting money directly from foreign governments and huge corporations and wealthy individuals, who’d then lobby him to do them favors. That’s ok, but hunter Biden trading on his dads name and opening a law firm is the height of corruption. Lol. Come on.


Well-Known Member
Hunter Biden sat on the board of Burisma when his dad was vice-president. A field he had no experience in. He flew to China with his dad on Air Force 2 and a couple of weeks afterwards a Chinese bank controlled by the CCP gave his newly formed three man private equity firm a billion dollars. Added half a billion later. A field he has no experience in. Just so happened Biden was put in charge of Obama administration policy for Ukraine and China. Go figure.
Bohai Harvest RST sought to raise $1.5 billion. Hunter never pocketed $1.5 billion from the deal. Anyway, this is orders of magnitude less consequential than the ethical lapses of the Trump administration, particularly with regard to donald's ongoing financial interest in the Trump Organization, which is now led by his two adult sons.


Well-Known Member
I’m not going to pretend that trump supporters care about government corruption. trump as president himself was getting money directly from foreign governments and huge corporations and wealthy individuals, who’d then lobby him to do them favors. That’s ok, but hunter Biden trading on his dads name and opening a law firm is the height of corruption. Lol. Come on.
The Chinese government has awarded Ivanka Trump's now-shuttered fashion brand multiple trademarks in the past year, prompting questions of conflicts of interest. In 2017, Jared Kushner's sister also cited her connections to the US presidency to sell luxury real estate in New Jersey to wealthy Chinese investors in Beijing.


Well-Known Member
Hunter Biden sat on the board of Burisma when his dad was vice-president. A field he had no experience in. He flew to China with his dad on Air Force 2 and a couple of weeks afterwards a Chinese bank controlled by the CCP gave his newly formed three man private equity firm a billion dollars. Added half a billion later. A field he has no experience in. Just so happened Biden was put in charge of Obama administration policy for Ukraine and China. Go figure.
It was Shokin, of course, not wanting to go down in history that he was corrupt or incompetent who started peddling another theory: he was fired for going after Burisma by Joe Biden operating on behalf of Hunter Biden. And, surprise! Rudy and company were more than happy to buy in.