President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Would you rather he let Melania do it?

Ivanka is a very intelligent woman who has a bright future in whatever she decides to do.
I'd rather we had a staffed state department and he put a trained career diplomat in his place. We are not a monarchy by design, the chief executive's children should not be involved in statecraft.


Well-Known Member
So Trump had Ivanka sit in at the leaders table at the G20. Are "conservatives" ok with power being represented by birthright as opposed to being bestowed by the people? Having the president give power to his daughter seems offensive to the founders' vision if you ask me.
JFK made his brother Attorney General. Bill Clinton had his First Lady draw a a national healthcare plan. Harry Truman appointed Eleanor Roosevelt to the Commission on Human Rights at the United Nations.
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Well-Known Member
I don't see any wildly unqualified children on your list.
The President appoints whom he pleases. Obama appointed Caroline Kennedy ambassador to Japan. You might be shocked to know how many ambassadors to many countries over the generations were friends or major donors of the sitting President.


Staff member
The President appoints whom he pleases. Obama appointed Caroline Kennedy ambassador to Japan. You might be shocked to know how many ambassadors to many countries over the generations were friends or major donors of the sitting President.
You sure do defend everything this president does. Pretty silly really.


Well-Known Member
No previous president put their unqualified children in positions of power.
John Adams appointed his son John Quincy Adams ambassador to Prussia. Caused a big stink at the time. John Quincy turned out to be a natural and eventually became President himself. Rutherford B Hayes appointed his 20 year old son his private secretary. Served the full four years with his dad. Teddy Roosevelt sent his daughter Alice on a four month tour of Asia. She was so charming that it led to diplomatic resolution of the Russia-Japan War and got Roosevelt the Nobel Peace Prize. And there are other examples. Bet your bottom dollar Chelsea Clinton would be in a position of influence if her mom had won. She's very influential on both her parents now.


Staff member
I just pointed out what's been going on forever and somehow that's a defense of this particular president with no consideration of what's gone on before.
Well van,you gotta admit, this president's actions have been way outside any normalcy. In fact, isn't that one of the things that you like so much about him? And yet you still feel the need to compare him to previous presidents? That doesn't make a lot of sense.


Well-Known Member
Well van,you gotta admit, this president's actions have been way outside any normalcy. In fact, isn't that one of the things that you like so much about him? And yet you still feel the need to compare him to previous presidents? That doesn't make a lot of sense.
It was put forth that presidents children shouldn't be in positions of power. And yet they and other relatives have been throughout our history. If you're going to attack the current president then certainly historical perspective is in order.


Staff member
It was put forth that presidents children shouldn't be in positions of power. And yet they and other relatives have been throughout our history. If you're going to attack the current president then certainly historical perspective is in order.
I think the president could have found more qualified people.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
John Adams appointed his son John Quincy Adams ambassador to Prussia. Caused a big stink at the time. John Quincy turned out to be a natural and eventually became President himself. Rutherford B Hayes appointed his 20 year old son his private secretary. Served the full four years with his dad. Teddy Roosevelt sent his daughter Alice on a four month tour of Asia. She was so charming that it led to diplomatic resolution of the Russia-Japan War and got Roosevelt the Nobel Peace Prize. And there are other examples. Bet your bottom dollar Chelsea Clinton would be in a position of influence if her mom had won. She's very influential on both her parents now.
Chelsea has a PHD in international relations from Oxford. Ivanka sells handbags. Seems like a fair comparison.