President Trump

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
yes and the billionaire trump organization. always enjoy watching a sexist try to alibi himself with more sexist rhetoric
I'd be making the same points if it was Donny Jr. or Eric sitting there, but whatever way you want to distract from the real issue, knock yourself out.


Well-Known Member
FOX was plenty fair and balanced with Obama. Didn't see them going after his kids either. The Press has been a three ring circus since Trump got the nomination. In no way does this compare to Obama, who was judged much more on his policies, like lying to everyone about Obamacare.
This is just flat out lies.

For one, President Obama's children were not given jobs in the White House, and secondly Sasha and Malai were attacked along with Michelle in the most heinous ways.

Either you have selective memory or are an outright liar.

Just for giggles, can you explain any of Trump's policies, foreign or domestic?


Well-Known Member
This is just flat out lies.

For one, President Obama's children were not given jobs in the White House, and secondly Sasha and Malai were attacked along with Michelle in the most heinous ways.

Either you have selective memory or are an outright liar.

Just for giggles, can you explain any of Trump's policies, foreign or domestic?

speak English. wipe the spit off your screen.


Well-Known Member
This is just flat out lies.

For one, President Obama's children were not given jobs in the White House, and secondly Sasha and Malai were attacked along with Michelle in the most heinous ways.

Either you have selective memory or are an outright liar.

Just for giggles, can you explain any of Trump's policies, foreign or domestic?
Not talking about idiots on the internet who say terrible things. I'm talking about members of the Press who attack children. No matter how much Hannity despised Obama he never once said anything negative about the daughters. He even praised Obama for being a good father a number of times, complimenting him on how nice his daughters were. Actual members of the Press made vicious remarks about Barron. And had to apologize for being A-holes.


Well-Known Member
It's ok that you can't respond with intelligent arguments. How is nepotism good for the nation? Try to answer without derailing, I don't think you can.
Want nepotism? Take Serbia for example. If you don't know someone, aren't related, aren't in their political party, you can't get a good job. That's nepotism and cronyism. Having your daughter as an advisor for four years isn't nepotism. It's just another angle for libs to attack this president.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Want nepotism? Take Serbia for example. If you don't know someone, aren't related, aren't in their political party, you can't get a good job. That's nepotism and cronyism. Having your daughter as an advisor for four years isn't nepotism. It's just another angle for libs to attack this president.

You sound confused, so here's a definition. How is it good for the nation?

  1. the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.


Well-Known Member
It's ok that you can't respond with intelligent arguments. How is nepotism good for the nation? Try to answer without derailing, I don't think you can.

how was a community organizer good for running the country. Ivanka nepotism or not is much more qualified to sit in that seat then Obama the village idiot ever was.


Well-Known Member
I said without derailing. How is nepotism good for the nation?

Ivanka is very qualified

nepotism assumes the recipient is not qualified. Ivanka is

nepotism is common in politics with favoritism always shown to friends and supporters.
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