President Trump


Well-Known Member
I assume you don't realize how dumb this makes you look! SMH
Bless his heart!

I am explaining why republicans love trump. Again trump articulated such a radical position on guns that either he disagrees with republicans fundamentally or he doesn’t know what he is talking about. If policy was truly the basis of the bond to trump this episode would break that bond.

But since policy is irrelevant to republicans they’ll still support trump they aren’t even upset he said what he said. It doesn’t matter to them.

So that begs the question, why do republicans love trump cause it is not about policy.

I submit it’s because unlike his policy positions which are not known to republicans, trump has been consistent in expressing hatred for certain groups of Americans. This is why republicans love trump they hate those other Americans too.


Well-Known Member
Remember republicans were just expressing all this anger at high school students and private companies over the gun issue.

Yet trump says I’m in favor of taking guns forget due process and is meet with silence from republicans.

This is what I mean when I say republicans don’t care about the stuff they discuss it’s all irrelevant.

Trump as president really does have a lot of power. He can actually lead a charge to get something done on guns.

Yet there is no anger towards trump from republicans for saying I want to take your guns. But they are mad at High school students?

Seriously if they really cared about this issue, their reaction to trump doesn’t make sense at all.
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Nine Lives
I am explaining why republicans love trump. Again trump articulated such a radical position on guns that either he disagrees with republicans fundamentally or he doesn’t know what he is talking about. If policy was truly the basis of the bond to trump this episode would break that bond.

But since policy is irrelevant to republicans they’ll still support trump they aren’t even upset he said what he said. It doesn’t matter to them.

So that begs the question, why do republicans love trump cause it is not about policy.

I submit it’s because unlike his policy positions which are not known to republicans, trump has been consistent in expressing hatred for certain groups of Americans. This is why republicans love trump they hate those other Americans too.
Much better ... it's better when one provides the reason they think something.
Turdboy stinks! Poor
Turdboy stinks because he is full of :censored2:! Better

El Correcto

god is dead
I submit it’s because unlike his policy positions which are not known to republicans, trump has been consistent in expressing hatred for certain groups of Americans. This is why republicans love trump they hate those other Americans too.
I think the hatred of Americans trump focused on was the politicians and the media.

He does have some good policy to get behind as well. Deregulation, tax cuts, stronger military, Israel, pro life, Supreme Court pick, immigration, monuments and I’m probably forgetting some things. These are all things conservatives can get behind.

It’s kind of funny the left stands on class and social warfare yet you attack trump for doing this, he hasn’t really done any of that as far as I can tell. I kind of can recall a wicked witch once calling half of the voters in this country deplorables.

El Correcto

god is dead
Also I’m by no means defending everything trump does or says. I’m just saying that hatred isn’t the only reason someone would vote for trump or continue to support him.

El Correcto

god is dead
Remember republicans were just expressing all this anger at high school students and private companies over the gun issue.

Yet trump says I’m in favor of taking guns forget due process and is meet with silence from republicans.

This is what I mean when I say republicans don’t care about the stuff they discuss it’s all irrelevant.

Trump as president really does have a lot of power. He can actually lead a charge to get something done on guns.

Yet there is no anger towards trump from republicans for saying I want to take your guns. But they are mad at High school students?

Seriously if they really cared about this issue, their reaction to trump doesn’t make sense at all.
I listen to a lot of conservative speakers. The point they are driving home is they are free to disagree with children like they would adults. Being a victim doesn’t make you right or give you the knowledge to dictate policy.

I have heard anger at companies but also them saying it’s there right to do this and our right not to shop there, good luck not shopping at Walmart for most of them.

I’ve heard and seen a lot of blow back on this gun thing. I think Trump can be a bumbling idiot, he should sat there and let mike pence speak. He needs to start being seen and not heard.


Well-Known Member
I think the hatred of Americans trump focused on was the politicians and the media.

He does have some good policy to get behind as well. Deregulation, tax cuts, stronger military, Israel, pro life, Supreme Court pick, immigration, monuments and I’m probably forgetting some things. These are all things conservatives can get behind.

It’s kind of funny the left stands on class and social warfare yet you attack trump for doing this, he hasn’t really done any of that as far as I can tell. I kind of can recall a wicked witch once calling half of the voters in this country deplorables.

It is truly amazing that delusional world republicans inhabit.
Trump just said I want to take guns first forget due process. This is the most anti gun statement by a sitting president in a very very long time.

Yet republicans who were just outraged over high school students having opinions about guns couldn’t care less.

They pretend that republicans believe in trump due to his policies. Lol.

Trump has no consistent beliefs. And he has done almost nothing. Except get an income tax bill cut through a republican congress. That’s it. Everything else he either has failed or it’s been symbolic bs that his voters are now claiming to love but that’s not what trump ran on or what they said they loved about trump during the campaign.

During the campaign it was all about jobs and job growth. Job growth since trump became president is worse than before he was president. GDP growth about the same. The stock market about the same. No wall. No infrastructure bill, coal is still dying, manufacturing is still going. Government Spending is growing. The deficit is increasing.

Cleaning out the establishment politicians even republicans. Trump is closer to establiment republicand than ever.

Cleaning out the swamp of politicians using government to enrich themselves. Trump and His family are using the White House to make business deals. It doesn’t get any swampier. Trump can’t even hire Americans to work at his companies. Yet his supporters don’t care.

This was the stuff outside of the I hate muslim and Mexican immigrants bs that trump voters says they loved and he has done nothing on those issues. There isn’t even an immigration reform bill and fewer immigrants are being deported now then when Obama was president.

Face it outside of the symbolism of having a man who hates the same Americans they hate republicans voters have gotten very very little of the stuff they said they cared about under trump.


Well-Known Member
Also I’m by no means defending everything trump does or says. I’m just saying that hatred isn’t the only reason someone would vote for trump or continue to support him.

Look, I can kinda cut some republicans some slack for voting for trump just a little. They could claim they didn’t know how he’d perform as president. Although I think it was obvious he was incompetent and a racist liar during the campaign. They could claim he I vote republican. Trump has an R by his name.

But since his election, trump has proven to be a liar, corrupt, ignorant of policy and hard core racist. The slack is gone. If you are supporting trump now it’s due to shared hatred of other Americans. There is nothing else there.

Trump just took the most radical anti gun position of any sitting president I’ve ever heard speak about guns.

If policy was the thing. There would be more than blowback. Either trump fundamentally disagrees with republicans on guns or he is too ignorant to understand his own position on guns. Either way if policy mattered that would be it for trump with republican support but it won’t matter to them because policy doesn’t really matter to them.

Shared hatred of various groups of Americans is what matters.


Well-Known Member
I listen to a lot of conservative speakers. The point they are driving home is they are free to disagree with children like they would adults. Being a victim doesn’t make you right or give you the knowledge to dictate policy.

I have heard anger at companies but also them saying it’s there right to do this and our right not to shop there, good luck not shopping at Walmart for most of them.

I’ve heard and seen a lot of blow back on this gun thing. I think Trump can be a bumbling idiot, he should sat there and let mike pence speak. He needs to start being seen and not heard.

Lol, dude Trump said I want to take guns forget due process. Have you heard republicans express as much anger at a sitting president who has power to impact gun ownership taking such a radical position on guns as they have at high school students and private companies?

If gun policy truly mattered, then what Trump said would truly outrage and anger republicans and cause much more anger then they directed towards high school students and private companies.

Instead they downplay it or ignore it.

And yet the opposite is true for those students and private companies isn’t it. Those private companies and high school teens have absorbed much more hatred than trump has from republicans. Even though objectively Trump took a more anti gun position than either of those groups.

There is no cleaning this up for republicans. They have said virtually nothing against trump over guns. I submit it’s because they don’t actually care all that much. I mean the nra cares a lot but rank and file republicans don’t care.

What truly matters and why they are still supporting trump is because of a shared hatred of other groups of Americans.


Well-Known Member
I keep saying over and over again, that democrats don’t care about policy. for democrats as long as they think you are one of them, you can damn near say anything and most democrats will not care at all.

The thing that binds democrats together is a shared hatred, distrust, fear, etc for other groups of Americans. As long as you hate the people they hate.....policy is an after thought.

Take the guns first due process later. Lol. That’s their president saying that and that’s them not freaking out about it. They don’t care. Trump is one of them.

fixed it for you


Well-Known Member
fixed it for you
This makes zero sense because of the end, Trump is in fact loved by republicans not Democrats. So the question is since Trump really has no consistent policy positions outside of enriching himself as president and spouting anti Mexican and Muslim immigrant nonsense, why do republicans love Trump?

Again, people keep saying its based on policy, but in example after example Trump proves incapable of holding consistent policy positions.

The man just took the most radical anti-gun position of any sitting president I have ever heard speak about guns, yet crickets from the same republicans who were attacking high school students over this same issue.

The only reason to support Trump is because he hates the same people they hate to me that is trump's one consistency.

El Correcto

god is dead
This makes zero sense because of the end, Trump is in fact loved by republicans not Democrats. So the question is since Trump really has no consistent policy positions outside of enriching himself as president and spouting anti Mexican and Muslim immigrant nonsense, why do republicans love Trump?

Again, people keep saying its based on policy, but in example after example Trump proves incapable of holding consistent policy positions.

The man just took the most radical anti-gun position of any sitting president I have ever heard speak about guns, yet crickets from the same republicans who were attacking high school students over this same issue.

The only reason to support Trump is because he hates the same people they hate to me that is trump's one consistency.