President Trump


Staff member
and if he does not perform for you like your own personal circus act then you get to decide that he is a racist.

this argument is why trump got elected. americans are tired of trying to chase your ambiguous definition of racism.

the over hyped race sensitivity act has gotten worn out.
Obviously it hasn’t. You get hooked by it every time.


Well-Known Member
Tucker brought up Obama, and try as you might, if you're going to say Tucker is a hypocrite and a racist when he didn't actually call Obama a dictator then we're going to talk about Obama.

Keep in mind when you fight this useless argument that Tucker is white and conservative which automatically makes him a racist in BB's mind.
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Staff member
ah lets see I responded to your posts , therefore I believe that is impossible. nice try tap dancer.

did you want us to bring some balloons to your race pity party?
Not only did you respond to my posts, you also had to comfort van as well so there ya go.


Nine Lives
Mediaite is a liberal news and opinion blog covering politics and entertainment in the media industry. It is the flagship blog of Abrams Media, a ring of blogs run by ABC legal analyst Dan Abrams. Mediaite presents news with a left wing bias in reporting choices.
LOL - as a news source:
Mediaite Bias.jpg


Well-Known Member
Mediaite is a liberal news and opinion blog covering politics and entertainment in the media industry. It is the flagship blog of Abrams Media, a ring of blogs run by ABC legal analyst Dan Abrams. Mediaite presents news with a left wing bias in reporting choices.
LOL - as a news source:
View attachment 183273
Selective editing. LOL SMH

Factual Reporting: HIGH

Notes: Mediaite is a liberal news and opinion blog covering politics and entertainment in the media industry. It is the flagship blog of Abrams Media, a ring of blogs run by ABC legal analyst Dan Abrams. Mediaite presents news with a left wing bias in reporting choices. Although they publish mostly stories that favor the left, they do source their content well. (8/21/2016) Updated (5/12/2017)


Staff member
Mediaite is a liberal news and opinion blog covering politics and entertainment in the media industry. It is the flagship blog of Abrams Media, a ring of blogs run by ABC legal analyst Dan Abrams. Mediaite presents news with a left wing bias in reporting choices.
LOL - as a news source:
View attachment 183273
I don’t see how the source matters. The quote is exactly out of Tucker’s mouth. No spin necessary.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
What were there about 16 scandals, this week, and how many resignations in the Dumpf administration? So many its hard to keep track. And this is Friday, no telling what's on the horizon. If former PBO had done just *ONE* of the scandalous acts of criminality while serving as president, he would have been excoriated and impeached. Drumpf has been in office one year and three months and every single day has been one bombshell salacious foolishness - cluster!#%k after another.


golden ticket member
What were there about 16 scandals, this week, and how many resignations in the Dumpf administration? So many its hard to keep track. And this is Friday, no telling what's on the horizon. If former PBO had done just *ONE* of the scandalous acts of criminality while serving as president, he would have been excoriated and impeached. Drumpf has been in office one year and three months and every single day has been one bombshell salacious foolishness - cluster!#%k after another.
PBO....Putrid Body Odor ???


Well-Known Member
What were there about 16 scandals, this week, and how many resignations in the Dumpf administration? So many its hard to keep track. And this is Friday, no telling what's on the horizon. If former PBO had done just *ONE* of the scandalous acts of criminality while serving as president, he would have been excoriated and impeached. Drumpf has been in office one year and three months and every single day has been one bombshell salacious foolishness - cluster!#%k after another.
Name one "scandal" that rises to the level of spying on political opposition, using IRS to deny conservative groups their rights, lying about Obamacare to get it passed, giving half a billion to one company that contributed to his campaign, sending guns to cartels, lying about cause of attack in Libya, covering for presidential candidate who clearly broke the law, allowing said candidate to sell favors from her office, and consistently dividing public by weighing in on and exacerbating racial conflict, weakening the military, pushing transgender agenda, and nearly doubling the national debt? I'm sure I forgot a few, there were so many. And he could get away with it because media covered for him because he was the first half black President.