President Trump


Well-Known Member
What the hell are you rambling on about? People in power, liberal or conservative, want the same thing, more power. They already have money. We are taxed at different rates. The first, and most important component of health care starts with the individual, not the system. The majority of the illnesses, and trips to the hospital can be avoided be wise judgment, smart budgeting, and safe habits. I guess you want them to pay 3x as much for broccoli as you do, just so we can subsidize the profits to help feed hungry children in India. Quit whining. You sound like a toddler.
Again, highly paid guy with gold plated benefits telling someone just getting by they should be willing to subsidize everyone else but you don't want to pay the high premiums and deductibles that many millions now have to pay because Obamacare screwed up the system for the masses.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Again, highly paid guy with gold plated benefits telling someone just getting by they should be willing to subsidize everyone else but you don't want to pay the high premiums and deductibles that many millions now have to pay because Obamacare screwed up the system for the masses.
You aren't subsidizing anyone Van, you receive subsidies.


Well-Known Member
Wut? You as an unemployed old man get massive subsidies for health insurance. Well off younger people pay full fare. How much more do you want?
I'm arguing on behalf of the many millions who don't get subsidized but get hammered by Obamacare premiums and deductibles. And for your info I pay as I go overseas. Am not nor will I ever sign up to get subsidized by a system that's morally repugnant.


Probably the Greatest American Alive
You're not feeling me bro. I'm saying if you and I go in for the exact same procedure on the same day, and you make three times more than me, you should pay three times more than me. If I have to spend $8k out of pocket, you should have to spend $24k. Not $8k because we have identical policies. You have a callous disregard for what people have to shell out on lower income than you, acting like it's no big deal. So if you're advocating that everyone should pony up to help the poor then those like you who make more should have to pay a lot more. When it cuts into your playtime with your toys maybe it'll sink in that many of us are just trying to get the mortgage paid, don't have money for anything but the basics, and don't need jackasses with money to burn telling us we're haters, bigots, and whatnot for not wanting to share the little we have. As if we don't ever try to help others in any way we can but there's only so much we can do with the money we have.
Again, shut the hell up. Do you think a bank should trust you with the same size mortgage as a person who makes three times what you do? They get a 8000 square ft house for $900 a month, so you should get the same thing for $300 a month....Take a business class. Or share some of that weed with the rest of us


Well-Known Member
My daughter is non-union and her benefits are far superior to mine.
And that is so typical, right? We only dreamed of the kind of benefits you receive at UPS. There was a time when the employee only had to pay a $100 annual deductible at FedEx but the insurance we had in my last 4 or so years not only cost a lot more but I would've been in serious trouble financially if I had my stent put in in 2015 instead of 2011.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I'm arguing on behalf of the many millions who don't get subsidized but get hammered by Obamacare premiums and deductibles. And for your info I pay as I go overseas. Am not nor will I ever sign up to get subsidized by a system that's morally repugnant.
That would be me, you don't argue on my behalf. Sounds like you will die for lack of medical care. RIP


Probably the Greatest American Alive
Highly paid guy...I went back to working preload because I have better hours and my other job pays about 20 an hour. I only use UPS to stay in shape and for healthcare and a few other benefits. Its probably the worst job I've had since high school, but it beats scrubbing dishes on the side.
Your whole argument is out of whack. You sound like you want to subsidize the income of anyone who makes more than you so you'll pay less on healthcare. Did you know taxes on wealth are a form of subsidy? Who do you think would gain the most if we just went to a uniform 15% percent income tax on everyone?


Well-Known Member
Again, shut the hell up. Do you think a bank should trust you with the same size mortgage as a person who makes three times what you do? They get a 8000 square ft house for $900 a month, so you should get the same thing for $300 a month....Take a business class. Or share some of that weed with the rest of us
Hey genius I'm fully aware of all of that. But you got people here acting like people making $33k or $50k a year have plenty of money to not only pay much higher premiums but also the ridiculous deductibles we'd have to pay if we had a serious health issue. And if we don't like it we're greedy, racists, bigots, etc. These are people who make good money so if it's so damn easy then they can pay a lot more. After all, they care so much about the poor that they should lead the way by paying many times what we'd pay.


Probably the Greatest American Alive
Hey genius I'm fully aware of all of that. But you got people here acting like people making $33k or $50k a year have plenty of money to not only pay much higher premiums but also the ridiculous deductibles we'd have to pay if we had a serious health issue. And if we don't like it we're greedy, racists, bigots, etc. These are people who make good money so if it's so damn easy then they can pay a lot more. After all, they care so much about the poor that they should lead the way by paying many times what we'd pay.
They don't care about the poor. And frankly, neither do you or I. Some people choose that life. But I'm not Warren Buffett rich to the point where I make more in a week or two off doing nothing but collecting dividends than I do in an entire year. But that kind of wealth is one out of 1,000,000, if not more. I don't know what kind of taxes someone like that pays, but I'd be for capping a person's income at some point, just to pay for State and National Park maintenance, highways, education, and other social service upgrades. There shoud be a point, where if a person has enough money that they can build a real life Jurassic Park, than that should go back to the community at large.


Staff member
You're not feeling me bro. I'm saying if you and I go in for the exact same procedure on the same day, and you make three times more than me, you should pay three times more than me. If I have to spend $8k out of pocket, you should have to spend $24k. Not $8k because we have identical policies. You have a callous disregard for what people have to shell out on lower income than you, acting like it's no big deal. So if you're advocating that everyone should pony up to help the poor then those like you who make more should have to pay a lot more. When it cuts into your playtime with your toys maybe it'll sink in that many of us are just trying to get the mortgage paid, don't have money for anything but the basics, and don't need jackasses with money to burn telling us we're haters, bigots, and whatnot for not wanting to share the little we have. As if we don't ever try to help others in any way we can but there's only so much we can do with the money we have.
I do pay more. And that’s how it should be. I pay more because I pay for each member of my family and with each go the co-pays etc. because of my policy.

Now what Obamacare does is gives you the subsidy so you can afford the same or better policy because like you said, those who make more should pay more.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
OK, if one makes $33k, and you make $66k, then you can pay double what he does. You care and have extra money, so why not?
That's not how the scale works. You are arguing for a sloppy version of the current ACA subsidies based on income. Someone making $33k will pay nearly nothing for premiums.


Staff member
They don't care about the poor. And frankly, neither do you or I. Some people choose that life. But I'm not Warren Buffett rich to the point where I make more in a week or two off doing nothing but collecting dividends than I do in an entire year. But that kind of wealth is one out of 1,000,000, if not more. I don't know what kind of taxes someone like that pays, but I'd be for capping a person's income at some point, just to pay for State and National Park maintenance, highways, education, and other social service upgrades. There shoud be a point, where if a person has enough money that they can build a real life Jurassic Park, than that should go back to the community at large.
Correct. I don’t care about the poor.

But if we’re going to pay for their medical care, may as well do it through the insurance industry that through ER as primary care.

But as I also said, if we want to get serious we can simply say those without insurance and without a form of payment simply don’t get medical care. I think that’s draconian and unnecessary, but hey, whatever.


Well-Known Member
They don't care about the poor. And frankly, neither do you or I. Some people choose that life. But I'm not Warren Buffett rich to the point where I make more in a week or two off doing nothing but collecting dividends than I do in an entire year. But that kind of wealth is one out of 1,000,000, if not more. I don't know what kind of taxes someone like that pays, but I'd be for capping a person's income at some point, just to pay for State and National Park maintenance, highways, education, and other social service upgrades. There shoud be a point, where if a person has enough money that they can build a real life Jurassic Park, than that should go back to the community at large.
You're diving into a conversation that's not about taxes. I'm making a point. We've got people here always talking as if it's just as easy for people on lower pay to pay the now much higher across the board insurance costs as it is for them with their much higher income. And if we're not willing it's because we don't care about the poor, especially poor minorities. As if families with household incomes in the mid-30k's to $60k or so have money to burn. Someone making $100k and probably much more telling me I'm a racist is a load of horse hockey. If he cares so much and wants to contribute to the cause more power to him. But can the self righteous posturing. And if he's going to insist middle income families should feel some pain in order for the poor to be subsidized then he should have to pay more. Progressivism at it's finest.


Well-Known Member
Again, highly paid guy with gold plated benefits telling someone just getting by they should be willing to subsidize everyone else but you don't want to pay the high premiums and deductibles that many millions now have to pay because Obamacare screwed up the system for the masses.

You really don’t understand the ACA.


Well-Known Member
I do pay more. And that’s how it should be. I pay more because I pay for each member of my family and with each go the co-pays etc. because of my policy.

Now what Obamacare does is gives you the subsidy so you can afford the same or better policy because like you said, those who make more should pay more.
Nope. Obamacare is failing because it's costing everyone but the subsidized too much. No skin off your back because you can afford it. But since you can, you should pay much higher premiums and deductibles than lower income families so that the system doesn't fail. Much, much higher, but that's ok, because you also care much, much more and of course you'll want to contribute much more to make sure Obamacare is a success. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.


Staff member
Nope. Obamacare is failing because it's costing everyone but the subsidized too much. No skin off your back because you can afford it. But since you can, you should pay much higher premiums and deductibles than lower income families so that the system doesn't fail. Much, much higher, but that's ok, because you also care much, much more and of course you'll want to contribute much more to make sure Obamacare is a success. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
I already do pay much more and am fine with that. Why aren’t you comprehending this?