President Trump


Well-Known Member
You really don't know how the ACA works.
I think I've got a really good handle on it. Tell me, at what point do subsidies stop? And I do know they tail off. People go from fully subsidized to partially as their income rises. At what point is a person completely on his own to pay for it?


Fight the power.
Yeah. We get it. @RonBurgandy?????????? good all others pathetic losers.

Wake up :censored2:. There are people who work three jobs and scrape pennies together to put food on the table and only do it with assistance.

But oh my! The sacrifice you had to make to look cool in that z28! Impressive. In fact...

Cool story bro!
Keep on twisting s* to fit in the way you want it to. See how that works out 4 u in the long run.


Staff member
And that is so typical, right? We only dreamed of the kind of benefits you receive at UPS. There was a time when the employee only had to pay a $100 annual deductible at FedEx but the insurance we had in my last 4 or so years not only cost a lot more but I would've been in serious trouble financially if I had my stent put in in 2015 instead of 2011.

Maybe you should blame yourself for deciding to work at FedEx instead of applying at Parcel.


Fight the power.
WTF difference does it really make what kind (or price) car you drive?

Who its trying to impress who?
Agreed. My wife makes almost twice what I do and drives a Hyundai. I’m just saying people going to collect government assistance should not be driving high end vehicles and having newest cell phones... maybe I’m wrong. I’m being bashed for saying it so I guess I am???


Staff member
Not comparing someone with high income with someone who's getting subsidized. I'm saying that if my income is too high to get subsidized, say $45k a year, but nowhere near someone making $120k a year, the $120k guy is going to obviously have a much easier time with the high premiums and high deductibles. And if that's the case that person has no right to tell the lower paid guy he's a racist or bigot, not caring about the poor, if the poor guy is against being forced to pay much more under this system. If the better off guy cares as much as he says, he should proportionately pay much more. If they have similar policies he's not. If he says he is paying more it's still much easier for him in percentage of his income to pay more. Bet he's not paying twice or three times what the $45k guy is, nor is his deductible higher. If anything the poor guy in lieu of higher premiums has much higher deductibles. Which means he gets creamed if anything happens.
People who make more should pay more so that the people who make less can pay less. That's the rationale behind our progressive tax system and it's also the rationale behind the ACA.


Nine Lives
Agreed. My wife makes almost twice what I do and drives a Hyundai. I’m just saying people going to collect government assistance should not be driving high end vehicles and having newest cell phones... maybe I’m wrong. I’m being bashed for saying it so I guess I am???
You're (your) good!
There is nothing wrong feeling POed that the National Government takes money away from you to assist others to the point that the assisted family lives a more extravagant life than you can afford.


Fight the power.
People who make more should pay more so that the people who make less can pay less. That's the rationale behind our progressive tax system and it's also the rationale behind the ACA.
We are paying more. And more and more. And when I’m driving home at 9 pm while my “paying more” is buying Tavon a new nba video game for his unemployed pot smoking do nothing daddy and his other 6 kids to sit at home and collect all the taxes from my 14 hour day. Shove it Sideways


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should blame yourself for deciding to work at FedEx instead of applying at Parcel.
It was good early on but what does that have to do with millions of people who've seen their premiums and deductibles go sky high? I keep getting told I don't understand the ACA but most people get their health insurance through their job. Insurance for many is just catastrophic insurance. And yet if they protest it they're told by some, like a few on this forum, that they're selfish, greedy, racist, bigoted. Those saying it have better pay and a much easier time meeting their expenses. As usual some think they have the right to tell others how they should spend their money, that they should put the welfare of others on an equal plane with their own families that they struggle to support. And yes I'm going to keep pointing this out for every post that tells me I don't know what I'm talking about, that I'm a racist, that they're oh so superior in their morality.