President Trump


Staff member
I have also worked hard all my life and was constantly frustrated knowing that I was paying for those who “don’t want to work”.
So you assume everyone on government assistance just “don’t want to work”?

I know several people who “don’t wanna work”. I’m far from frustrated by it though. More grateful that I can and want to.


Staff member
its easy for those that have the best healthcare already to support this crap.

let him pay for pregnancy insurance for himself and he wont be such an eager supporter.
We had that option but the coverage was basically equal to direct pay so we did direct pay for each of our three children.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I think I've got a really good handle on it. Tell me, at what point do subsidies stop? And I do know they tail off. People go from fully subsidized to partially as their income rises. At what point is a person completely on his own to pay for it?
The subsidies vary by state and the cost of a silver plan. They will keep your premium cost to around 10% of your income if I remember correctly. As insurance prices rise so do the subsidies. That's why eliminating the individual mandate was likely foolish as young healthy people will leave the market raising the price of a silver plan for those that remain raising the cost to the taxpayer.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
We had that option but the coverage was basically equal to direct pay so we did direct pay for each of our three children.
We made money off our kids. Had a no deductible health plan at the time and collected on some short term disability policies on the wife that we set up just for the occasion.


Well-Known Member
So you assume everyone on government assistance just “don’t want to work”?

I know several people who “don’t wanna work”. I’m far from frustrated by it though. More grateful that I can and want to.

I deliver to our local Social Services office—-the able bodied far outnumber the infirmed.


Well-Known Member
Deny preventative care = death. Ttku

then you will have to send the police out and force these folks to take care of themselves. you're already forcing them to pay for an insurance many do not want so I guess the next logical step would be to force them to go see the doctor regularly against their will.