President Trump


Bad Moon Risen'
Now I see why many think you to be fool, always tried to be nice to you but seriously, is your thinking so disjointed? Better yet, I'll give you one more chance, I don't know your previous thoughts. Is Mueller seeking justice. A simple yes or no will give me my answer.
It appears that Mueller has handed off this part of the investigation to the FBI and DOJ in the Southern District of New York. Why does he not want to go there?


Well-Known Member
The current investigation you are in a tizzy about is under the direction of Rod Rosenstien appointed by Donald Trump.
No tizzy whatsoever, you said appointees, not Rod Rosenstein. Appointed as Deputy Attorney General, and the clown has shown his stripes and where is allegiance is, it's not to justice it is to getting rid of a duly elected president. Simple as that.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
It appears that Mueller has handed off this part of the investigation to the FBI and DOJ in the Southern District of New York. Why does he not want to go there?

He wanted to leave it to the Trump appointees to decide whether there was enough evidence to simultaneously conduct 3 no knock raids at the home, law office and temporary apartment of the personal lawyer of the sitting President of the United States.

Apparently they thought there was. That’s pretty :censored2:ing damning.


Well-Known Member
Ok. So you’re all ashamed of America because:

1). After years of investigation from Trey Gowdy and others, Hillary still walks free.

2). After more than a year an ongoing investigation that has led to multiple arrests and guilty pleas is still a “witch hunt”.

3). A DOJ and FBI refuses to acquiesce to the president.

4). A republican House and Senate has stood on the sidelines and not defended the president strongly enough.

5). The president parroting Fox News talking points doesn’t seem to be stalling the investigation.

The special counsel mandate is wide-ranging. Whining about collusion and this and that is nonsense. Trump’s run a foul of Washington and it’s a “battle royals” between the swamp and the cesspool.

Be ashamed if you want. But if this is the first time, then you just haven’t paid attention to the depth and breadth of the swamp.
Not so on Gowdy and he'd be the first to tell you that she destroyed evidence and that his committee has no prosecutorial power. That's strictly up to the Justice Department and the DOJ covered for her. How do I know he'd say that? He said it many times on FOX. They won't even let him talk about it on MSNBC. She got away with it under Obama's DOJ and from what has been turned up there are still people in Trump's DOJ protecting her.


Well-Known Member
That whole post is BS, You hate the guy and that is it, obviously you're not the only one. It's the only way your types can turn around an election. Piss on that kind of country, and the ones that support this coup.

its his hate that allows him to agree with the continued violation of our rights . Someday the shoes will be
And I'm a registered independent, what's your point? You're crying about a "conspiracy" being carried out by Trump's own political appointees. Trump holds the same levers of power that the evil Obama used to protect himself, right?

registered independent that whines like a liberal snowflake

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
By Republican political strategist Rick Wilson:

“Suddenly, Michael Cohen, the bag-walking, dick-swinging swagger-monkey wannabe thug attorney and consigliere for Donald Trump’s far-flung penile enterprises is scared. If Cohen had a lump of coal in his ass the moment those search warrants arrived, he could have popped out a diamond.”

“Trump must know this may be one of the most dangerous moments in his entire life, not just his presidency. The likelihood is that Mueller and the FBI are now in possession of the Black Books of Trump, NDAs from enough of Trump’s various affairs that you can staff a 12-pole strip club with plenty of girls left for the Champagne rooms. It’s only speculation at this point, but it’s quite likely that Cohen was the keeper of many of Trump’s lending documents, contracts, business arrangements, and the Kryptonite of Trump’s fragile self-worth: the long-sought tax returns.”


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
By Republican political strategist Rick Wilson:

“Suddenly, Michael Cohen, the bag-walking, dick-swinging swagger-monkey wannabe thug attorney and consigliere for Donald Trump’s far-flung penile enterprises is scared. If Cohen had a lump of coal in his ass the moment those search warrants arrived, he could have popped out a diamond.”

“Trump must know this may be one of the most dangerous moments in his entire life, not just his presidency. The likelihood is that Mueller and the FBI are now in possession of the Black Books of Trump, NDAs from enough of Trump’s various affairs that you can staff a 12-pole strip club with plenty of girls left for the Champagne rooms. It’s only speculation at this point, but it’s quite likely that Cohen was the keeper of many of Trump’s lending documents, contracts, business arrangements, and the Kryptonite of Trump’s fragile self-worth: the long-sought tax returns.”
rr will be fired at the end of the month after the ig report comes out


Staff member
No tizzy whatsoever, you said appointees, not Rod Rosenstein. Appointed as Deputy Attorney General, and the clown has shown his stripes and where is allegiance is, it's not to justice it is to getting rid of a duly elected president. Simple as that.
The president has made it easy for those two objectives to be synonymous.


Well-Known Member
The president has made it easy for those two objectives to be synonymous.
You hate the guy, and if you had to come up with a reason you would find the reasons you hate him for are the same attributes that people you like have. Prove me wrong , until then I will consider you a simple hater.
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Well-Known Member
He wanted to leave it to the Trump appointees to decide whether there was enough evidence to simultaneously conduct 3 no knock raids at the home, law office and temporary apartment of the personal lawyer of the sitting President of the United States.

Apparently they thought there was. That’s pretty :censored2:ing damning.
Since you filled in the missing point of bottumups, I'll assume you both listened to the same talking points, or got the same ideas from agreeing media. Mueller referred to Southern District of NY, check the bloodlines of who has worked for whom, any thing that comes from the seized documents that could help Mueller will go straight to Mueller. It is my opinion that Rosenstein would not expand Mueller's authority pertaining to this subject matter, so he referred to another jurisdiction, and the warrants were given. It's still one ball of wax, and as the Southern District goes through Cohen's files, if anything can help Mueller, he'll get it. If you can't get what you want through the front door, find another door that is available. That's my evaluation, slimy way to get to all that is Trump, screw attorney- client privilege. I understand your lawless side doesn't give a rats behind about stuff like that yet.


Staff member
You hate the guy, and if you had to come up with a reason you would find the reasons you hate him for are the same attributes that people you like have. Prove me wrong , until then I will consider you a simple hater.
I have already said they are swamp and cesspool inhabitants. You want to believe one superior to the other, one more American, where the “rule of law” lives. Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
I have already said they are swamp and cesspool inhabitants. You want to believe one superior to the other, one more American, where the “rule of law” lives. Give me a break.
Who is the swamp, you are always all over the place. I will remind you at the onset, You, bbsam were crying collusion, and I Floridays told you collunsion is not a crime. Finally, you found out it was true and you changed your tune. I told you there was noting there, it would be process crimes, shazam that was all that was produced. Now Mueller goes this designer route to try and flip another person, and gain all of Trumps documents by piercing attorney - client privilege. There is still nothing there, pertaining to the special counsel signing document. I told you long ago, give me the authority, time and money and I can make you a criminal defendant. That is true, I could. Now you want to go the swamp route, ok, I'm listening, tell me about the swamp great Swami.

Give me a break, don't even try and equate the treatment the big HC got compared to this. Shameful if you even attempt it.