President Trump

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
If the biggest beneficiaries are stronger, more viable, due to the cuts then ultimately their employees do better too. A healthier economy benefits everyone.

A few companies give one time bonuses. Or whatever gets them a PR piece. Most use the $ for stock buybacks and dividends. Better to return it to a far greater number of middle class folks who will put it right back into the economy.


Strength through joy
They used extremely flimsy evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump so if there are people determined to get him on something I doubt it took much hoop jumping.
The media is working for Mueller.
No one in the media thought Trump had a chance of winning once the media started to believe their own hype about Hillary.
I read somewhere that if Mueller is fired he should release all his finding so that the truth gets out there. Which is total B.S. since everything he finds already gets "leaked"to the media.


Strength through joy
We are now on year two of looking for collusion between the Russians and Trump.
Anyone care to guess if this farce is still going on in year 10 ?


Well-Known Member
A few companies give one time bonuses. Or whatever gets them a PR piece. Most use the $ for stock buybacks and dividends. Better to return it to a far greater number of middle class folks who will put it right back into the economy.
Quite a few companies gave bonuses and raises. And again if the tax cuts make business, not just the big corporations, stronger then it's good for everyone.


Well-Known Member
The media is working for Mueller.
No one in the media thought Trump had a chance of winning once the media started to believe their own hype about Hillary.
I read somewhere that if Mueller is fired he should release all his finding so that the truth gets out there. Which is total B.S. since everything he finds already gets "leaked"to the media.
Mueller is having the investigation into Trump's lawyer handled by a Federal court in New York. So even if Mueller gets fired this will continue. Clever on his part and shows they're determined to keep this alive.


Well-Known Member
I think I could live with it if that were the standard the government would have to meet in order to get to me.

I think you're lying your ass off. There is no doubt in my mind you would be screaming like a stuck pig if it was your attorney / client information being violated.

There is a real legitimate concern here that our government is routinely violating our laws and passive sheep like yourself are willing to surrender those rights to that simply because it is the other political side that is being violated.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
There is no doubt in my mind you would be screaming like a stuck pig if it was your attorney / client information being violated.

Nobody’s not gonna be upset if their attorney-client materials are seized. Doesn’t mean there’s a problem with the process to get them. Law office raids aren’t extremely uncommon for no reason.


Well-Known Member
Obama’s tax cuts were targeted toward the middle class, but his team was ineffective in communicating that reality.

Trump’s tax cuts (which are really P90x’s tax cuts) front load some cookies for the peons and give the bulk of tax ‘relief ‘ to major major money-making corporations.

Trump is super-effective at communicating his ‘message’, it just happens that his message is crap.

Middle class people might see a wee bit extra now, but carry this out several years, they’re getting screwed up the poop-chute twice, and maybe three times.

Trump had absolutely no idea what he was pushing with the tax ‘reform’, guy just wanted a win.

Think about this for a second: we have a President who seems to be completely uninterested in policy or how things actually work when you’re the President and you want to make things happen.

He’s consumed with appearances, obsessed with how his ‘base’ sees him...most Presidents try to appeal to the entire nation, but not Trump.

No wonder P90X is Audi5000.

spoke like a true Hillary/Pelosi lover. with any tax cut you can always spin it any way you want based on your political beliefs. All tax cuts that work any type of percentage can verbally target a specific group where reality is some one who pays less will get less back. the biggest difference with Trumps tax cuts is it will limit the state tax and real estate tax subsidy . that change directly affects the high earners and not the middle class. now give us Nancy's answer in response.


Well-Known Member
Nobody’s not gonna be upset if their attorney-client materials are seized. Doesn’t mean there’s a problem with the process to get them. Law office raids aren’t extremely uncommon for no reason.

really what matter of national security, what sense of urgency now requires a raid of a presidents private attorney when a document request was the other option. you should go to the FBI building , find something to lean on and bend over and drop your trousers. you're clearly a willing victim.


golden ticket member
from what Judge Napolitano said, there's an uninvolved party that looks at all material obtained and gives just the material related to the object of the raid to the Mueller people....thus protecting the attorney-client privilege

If you believe that, I have some swamp land to sell to you.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
really what matter of national security, what sense of urgency now requires a raid of a presidents private attorney when a document request was the other option.

Investigators apparently had the evidence required to get their warrants that document requests weren’t being fully cooperated with, and that document destruction might have been imminent. Hence the no knock nature of the raids.


Well-Known Member
Investigators apparently had the evidence required to get their warrants that document requests weren’t being fully cooperated with, and that document destruction might have been imminent. Hence the no knock nature of the raids.

pick your trousers up my friend , you're too much of a willing victim.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
pick your trousers up my friend , you're too much of a willing victim.

You’re right. Law offices are being raided without cause and sufficient protections from it are not in place, I’d better get down on all fours and prepare for my FBI sodomization because they got Trump’s lawyer and resistance is futile.


Well-Known Member
You’re right. Law offices are being raided without cause and sufficient protections from it are not in place, I’d better get down on all fours and prepare for my FBI sodomization because they got Trump’s lawyer and resistance is futile.
I just hope you're the recipient of these abuses someday .

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
I just hope you're the recipient of these abuses someday .

Hope not. Imagine I'd have to be a very, very bad boy to meet the crime-fraud exception standard required for the DOJ and judge to green light my three location FBI agent goosing.

Will monitor developments to see if the clearly low, low evidentiary standard required for the triple teaming of Trump's personal lawyer and bagman might be giving the DOJ and federal judges any ideas about just how much they might be able to get away with!

As the fates of Trump and Cohen go, so likely go the fates of their fellow and every day upstanding citizens! Terrifying times!