President Trump


Well-Known Member
Seriously, you want others to use their position to sell access and influence? To put national security at risk? To answer a subpoena by destroying evidence and the devices it was on?

What good would it be to indict and then convict her?

That is not a quote of her's, and lets then grant the same leniency to all criminal defendants then.

The quote was, "What difference at this point does it make."

I paraphrased----shoot me.


Staff member
She broke the law, and many of us feel that justice is required, the statute of limitations has yet to run on her criminal acts, Until they do, I myself, want her to answer for her criminal acts.
And yet with all the smoke surrounding the president, you’re insisting the investigation end and the Donald be vindicated?

Come now, flori. That’s ridiculous.


Staff member
Seriously, you want others to use their position to sell access and influence? To put national security at risk? To answer a subpoena by destroying evidence and the devices it was on?
So you support the FBI raid on Cohen’s office?

Maybe “support” is too strong a word but you obviously understand it.


Well-Known Member
Isn’t that what investigations are for?

And I would have thought Gowdy would have gotten charges filed. Word is he was a pretty good prosecutor.

Gowdy and Nunes both have been stonewalled by the DOJ on turning over documents. Gowdy says he has no prosecutorial power.

Trump has been investigated for quite awhile now. No charges yet.