President Trump


Strength through joy
Investigators apparently had the evidence required to get their warrants that document requests weren’t being fully cooperated with, and that document destruction might have been imminent. Hence the no knock nature of the raids.
I think you are mistaken.
Only Dems destroy documents when ever they have been told not to.


Well-Known Member
Trump wouldn't reveal his tax returns which proved to the majority of thinkers that he's hiding something. He's such an honest guy, why can't he be honest?
You guys never seem to get the obvious. The IRS can see his returns. If he's doing something illegal they'd have already been all over him.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
No way Trump sits down with Mueller now. He'd either have to plead the 5th or perjure himself during questioning now that the FBI has all his attorney's stuff and could prove he's lying.

Same for Cohen.


Staff member
No way Trump sits down with Mueller now. He'd either have to plead the 5th or perjure himself during questioning now that the FBI has all his attorney's stuff and could prove he's lying.

Same for Cohen.
Mueller nailed John Gotti by flipping Sammy "the bull" Gravano. Cohen should be a piece of cake.


Well-Known Member
True. Hillary’s out of office and you guys are still trying to nail her.
She broke the law, and many of us feel that justice is required, the statute of limitations has yet to run on her criminal acts, Until they do, I myself, want her to answer for her criminal acts.