President Trump

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Cohen was in Prague meeting with Russians in 2016 after all. The Dossier was right.



Staff member
Article date: July 5, 2016

Important excerpts:

“As a result, although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.”

“But the law no longer matters. The woman for whom the executive branch just manipulated the law will likely end up running that executive branch. God help us all.”

So, Hillary doesn’t control the executive branch. Republicans control everything. And the FBI’s recommendation to the DOJ doesn’t keep them from proceeding anyway.

So, what is the Republican-controlled DOJ waiting for? If the evidence is right there, let her have it. Or at least let Jeff Sessions scream from the very top of the DOJ that it’s a prosecutable case.

Come on. Do it, Republicans.
When logic doesn’t work, the answer is clear: must be DEEP STATE.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
I need a naïve button

Cohen snuck into the Czech Republic via Germany and met with Russians (including hackers) in Prague. How much more is it gonna take before you stop defending the colluders, Sean?



Well-Known Member
Cohen snuck into the Czech Republic via Germany and met with Russians (including hackers) in Prague. How much more is it gonna take before you stop defending the colluders, Sean?

the latest pile of :censored2: being slung by the snowflakes as they hope this pile will stick . stack it over there with the rest of your "proof"



Staff member
If a raging President Trump was assassinated by a White House staffer because it was evident he was going to attack North Korea with nuclear weapons, would the Trump supporters insist that President Pence carry that out?


Well-Known Member
If a raging President Trump was assassinated by a White House staffer because it was evident he was going to attack North Korea with nuclear weapons, would the Trump supporters insist that President Pence carry that out?
Mr Trump pretty much has the North Koreans at heel just like ISIS, BLM and the global warmers, was disapointed today he not going harder on marijuana. But I very happy with him so far.


Staff member
WASHINGTON - The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trump's personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy's report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

It would also be one of the most significant developments thus far in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the Trump campaign and the Kremlin worked together to help Trump win the presidency.

Mueller has evidence that Trump lawyer met in Prague with Russians during campaign, sources say


Well-Known Member
Every single day, Trump says or does something that manifestly shows he is incapable of being president. Every single day, the stench of his incompetence, corruption and lies gets objectively worse.
And I always think 63million people voted for this clown, we are right and truly screwed as a nation. I hope I am wrong, but the delusion and hatred for other Americans it took to vote for Trump after the campaign he ran...... they'll vote for other incompetent, corrupt, racist, and lying a holes easily.


Well-Known Member
These Americans who defend Trump, treat him and his presidency like its all a game. Like haha liberals/democrats Trump is president suck it. It is disappointing to see how much incompetence and corruption they'll overlook. I know they love Trump's racist ways, but the mfer is completely incompetent and corrupt in a way I thought I'd never see in an American president. GWBush was the worst president I thought I'd have in my lifetime.

But Trump is literally only enriching himself and enabling cats like Pruitt to be openly corrupt.


Well-Known Member
Mr Trump pretty much has the North Koreans at heel just like ISIS, BLM and the global warmers, was disapointed today he not going harder on marijuana. But I very happy with him so far.

This kind of delusion..... This is the kind of stuff they said about GWBush during the disastrous Iraq War, War on Terror, that he had all these nations on the run. lol

But digging deeper he compares, North Korea and ISIL, to BLM and Americans worried about climate change as if they are the same. This level of delusion and hatred.....Smh


Well-Known Member
if being president means being a curtain hanging , mom jean wearing sissy like Obama then you're right Trump will never be one of those.

This is what I mean, these Trump defenders act like this is a game, what does any of that have to do with anything I posted?

I could see if Trump were pursuing some coherent public policy strategy that his voters claimed that's why they voted for him, but again that is not the case.

Deflecting to the former president doesn't change that Trump supporters have no idea what Trump believes about anything outside of hating Mexicans, wanting to ban Muslims, and hating black people from crap hole nations like Haiti, and even when he says something like the military is leaving Syria, they can't even trust what he says from day to day because he will completely reverse himself without explanation or reason.


Well-Known Member
I could see if Trump were pursuing some coherent public policy strategy that his voters claimed that's why they voted for him, but again that is not the case.


are you claiming to be a trump voter? if not then you can not speak for them. Despite your DNC brainwashing and your overly dedicated viewership of CNN propaganda The trumpster is proving to be very effective on achieving his promises .

Don't confuse the relentless attacks by Democrats and the media (same thing) with ineffectiveness . If anything the fact that Trump is being successful despite the media's relentless attacks makes his accomplishments that much more effective.

Judging how way off base your analysis is I have to ask are you responsible for the oil spill in the gulf?