President Trump

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
NY Times was a lefty rag long before Trump became its target.


Staff member
Obama draws a line in the sand and he's a good leader.....holds no one responsible for anything. Trump takes care of business and is criticized by the snowflakes...

Obama commented the other day that he was upset by "big butt" comments about Michelle..........Women & children getting sprayed with chemicals didn't concern him???
Michelle Obama’s posterior again the subject of a public rant
Takes care of business?

Well for a big picture concept, why are chemical weapons hideous and barrel bombs allowed?

The president has a real decision to make. Cede Syria to Putin and Assad or start getting serious. Because leaving 2000 soldiers in Syria isn’t going to be sustainable much longer.

So just what is “taking care of business” exactly?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Obama draws a line in the sand and he's a good leader.....holds no one responsible for anything. Trump takes care of business and is criticized by the snowflakes...

Obama commented the other day that he was upset by "big butt" comments about Michelle..........Women & children getting sprayed with chemicals didn't concern him???
Michelle Obama’s posterior again the subject of a public rant
The other day? You posted an article from 2013. The whataboutism is remarkable.

Trump blew up some stuff, there's no way of knowing what he blew up. We know it cost us a boatload of cash. We can guess it won't materially affect the balance of power in Syria. Assad can always get more kill juice from the Ruskies. Mission Accomplished! USA USA USA!


Well-Known Member
The other day? You posted an article from 2013. The whataboutism is remarkable.

Trump blew up some stuff, there's no way of knowing what he blew up. We know it cost us a boatload of cash. We can guess it won't materially affect the balance of power in Syria. Assad can always get more kill juice from the Ruskies. Mission Accomplished! USA USA USA!

and you guys rip down statues


Well-Known Member
Obama draws a line in the sand and he's a good leader.....holds no one responsible for anything. Trump takes care of business and is criticized by the snowflakes...

Obama commented the other day that he was upset by "big butt" comments about Michelle..........Women & children getting sprayed with chemicals didn't concern him???
Michelle Obama’s posterior again the subject of a public rant
I'll try and make him happy, Michelle has a large, African- American posterior, larger than a Albanian- American Kardashian posterior. As politically correct as I can be, would that pacify him and give him the black street cred he drools for? I mean fecal, baby's got back.