President Trump


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
are you claiming to be a trump voter? if not then you can not speak for them. Despite your DNC brainwashing and your overly dedicated viewership of CNN propaganda The trumpster is proving to be very effective on achieving his promises .

Don't confuse the relentless attacks by Democrats and the media (same thing) with ineffectiveness . If anything the fact that Trump is being successful despite the media's relentless attacks makes his accomplishments that much more effective.

Judging how way off base your analysis is I have to ask are you responsible for the oil spill in the gulf?

Smh, there have been numerous polls taken about Trump voters, numerous interviews about why they voted for Trump, why they chose him over the other republican candidates. So I am not speaking for Trump voters. Again, Trump has no ideology, no coherent publican policy, he is all over the place on issue after issue.

His only consistent positions have to do with hating Mexicans, wanting to ban Muslims and hating black people from crap hole nations like Haiti, outside of that.... there is no way someone can pretend to know what Trump believes about public policy.


Well-Known Member
Smh, there have been numerous polls taken about Trump voters, numerous interviews about why they voted for Trump, why they chose him over the other republican candidates. So I am not speaking for Trump voters. Again, Trump has no ideology, no coherent publican policy, he is all over the place on issue after issue.

His only consistent positions have to do with hating Mexicans, wanting to ban Muslims and hating black people from crap hole nations like Haiti, outside of that.... there is no way someone can pretend to know what Trump believes about public policy.

which pollsters? the same ones that predicted a Hillary landslide?


Well-Known Member
Nothing like a solid wannabe authoritarian strongman, eh? It’s gross that so many Americans admire him for it and for his disgusting behavior.

we had a president that had to climb out of the luggage area of his plane when he visited other countries due to the total disrespect he faced when he traveled. its good to have our pride and swagger back.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
This is what I mean, these Trump defenders act like this is a game, what does any of that have to do with anything I posted?

I could see if Trump were pursuing some coherent public policy strategy that his voters claimed that's why they voted for him, but again that is not the case.

Deflecting to the former president doesn't change that Trump supporters have no idea what Trump believes about anything outside of hating Mexicans, wanting to ban Muslims, and hating black people from crap hole nations like Haiti, and even when he says something like the military is leaving Syria, they can't even trust what he says from day to day because he will completely reverse himself without explanation or reason.
Ignore him.
Not UPS or FDX.
He monitors some gauges during his night shift and spends all his time trolling the Internet.
Not even Ricky Bobby level.


Staff member
Biased to the left and not credible when it comes to Trump.
Hmmm. Seems pretty straight forward. Trump pulled out of TPP, the rest of the world just kinda shrugged it off and now Trump wants back in.

Like the spoiled brat on the playground who takes his football home and rather than get upset, everybody else starts playing soccer.