President Trump


Well-Known Member
I threaten to play my +13 ice / +17 fire super dragon internet attack if some fattie poopie head wanna type at me!
I wish I had a notion what you were talking about, but it's still funny. I think you just finished verbally assaulting me. Or made fun of me, one or the other.


Well-Known Member
However, the deficit was still up 18.5 percent in the first quarter compared to the same period last year, at $25.5 billion.
Imports of foreign autos, however, hit a record $31.3 billion.
Is there a problem if I chose to buy a Toyota Tacoma. On the other hand do you wish this country didn't have the money to purchase products. Would you rather we were Mexico, Canada, Germany? The guy that cuts your hair, what's your yearly deficit with him? Do you buy groceries at Ralph's? I assume you pay out more to them annually than they pay to you. Fedex has a weekly deficit with you, try and even it out. Are you seeing a picture?

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
I wish I had a notion what you were talking about, but it's still funny. I think you just finished verbally assaulting me. Or made fun of me, one or the other.



Well-Known Member
However, the deficit was still up 18.5 percent in the first quarter compared to the same period last year, at $25.5 billion.
Imports of foreign autos, however, hit a record $31.3 billion.

the trade deficit narrowed driven by record high exports. why do you suddenly hate good news so much when you were never so critical of the much weaker results we achieved under Obama? Are you one of those guys who just wants to hate his country just because DJT is the president. So Sad


Well-Known Member
It certainly is, I imagine they are rearranging the deck chairs currently. The descent of HMS Mueller has just begun. Stand back and watch her take on water.

If Clinton had been elected, and this same team was prosecuting her for whatever, you’d be singing their praises.

Why don’t we just find out what happens?

I’ve said before, I doubt any of this will touch Trump personally, but from the beginning Trump has poured gasoline on what shouldn’t have been a fire in the first place.

It’s not like he’ll get impeached, his base seemingly doesn’t care that he lies and lies etc.

So, why does he act so guilty?

Spare me the crocodile tears that it’s a witch-hunt deep-state conspiracy, that really doesn’t hold up.

If Trump had ignored this from the very beginning, he’d be in a much better place.

But he’s got a can of gas and he just can’t help himself...

Some men just want to watch the world burn...


Well-Known Member
If Clinton had been elected, and this same team was prosecuting her for whatever, you’d be singing their praises.

Why don’t we just find out what happens?

I’ve said before, I doubt any of this will touch Trump personally, but from the beginning Trump has poured gasoline on what shouldn’t have been a fire in the first place.

It’s not like he’ll get impeached, his base seemingly doesn’t care that he lies and lies etc.

So, why does he act so guilty?

Spare me the crocodile tears that it’s a witch-hunt deep-state conspiracy, that really doesn’t hold up.

If Trump had ignored this from the very beginning, he’d be in a much better place.

But he’s got a can of gas and he just can’t help himself...

Some men just want to watch the world burn...
I may respond later. Weigh in on the great hot dog debate. more fun


Well-Known Member
If Clinton had been elected, and this same team was prosecuting her for whatever, you’d be singing their praises.

Why don’t we just find out what happens?

I’ve said before, I doubt any of this will touch Trump personally, but from the beginning Trump has poured gasoline on what shouldn’t have been a fire in the first place.

It’s not like he’ll get impeached, his base seemingly doesn’t care that he lies and lies etc.

So, why does he act so guilty?

Spare me the crocodile tears that it’s a witch-hunt deep-state conspiracy, that really doesn’t hold up.

If Trump had ignored this from the very beginning, he’d be in a much better place.

But he’s got a can of gas and he just can’t help himself...

Some men just want to watch the world burn...
If Hillary had been elected the FISA court spying, the behind the scenes machinations to ruin Trump, none of it would've come to light. Comey gave her a free pass because he thought she would be president. When new emails surfaced he had to do something otherwise it would've looked even more so that the fix was in. And there wouldn't have been a special prosecutor for Clinton, but if there had been, and it was as you said this team, I don't think she would've worried too much about a bunch of Hillary supporters. This whole thing is a farce. But hey, someone did hack the DNC and it showed the DNC was rigging it for Clinton. Now why doesn't anyone do anything about that?


nowhere special
If Hillary had been elected the FISA court spying, the behind the scenes machinations to ruin Trump, none of it would've come to light. Comey gave her a free pass because he thought she would be president. When new emails surfaced he had to do something otherwise it would've looked even more so that the fix was in. And there wouldn't have been a special prosecutor for Clinton, but if there had been, and it was as you said this team, I don't think she would've worried too much about a bunch of Hillary supporters. This whole thing is a farce. But hey, someone did hack the DNC and it showed the DNC was rigging it for Clinton. Now why doesn't anyone do anything about that?

Hacking? As in Podesta using "password" as his password?


Well-Known Member
Guess it didn't take much effort, but someone did take those files and give them to Wikileaks. The Dems are always so angry about someone doing that yet they never discuss what those files disclosed. They're a bunch of crooks and we argue with their supporters here all the time. As the "song" says...This is America. We're screwed.


Well-Known Member
What are you?
A mod?
You can't carry @Monkey Butt jockstrap
You used a quote I made to lodge your dissatisfaction in how the old Man jingles dealt with it. I hope I can make this clear enough for an english professor or esteemed grammarian, as you are, to understand. State your point in clear English so other illiterates as my self can understand your point. In clear street english, go screw yerself. Ya got that?


Well-Known Member
If Hillary had been elected the FISA court spying, the behind the scenes machinations to ruin Trump, none of it would've come to light. Comey gave her a free pass because he thought she would be president. When new emails surfaced he had to do something otherwise it would've looked even more so that the fix was in. And there wouldn't have been a special prosecutor for Clinton, but if there had been, and it was as you said this team, I don't think she would've worried too much about a bunch of Hillary supporters. This whole thing is a farce. But hey, someone did hack the DNC and it showed the DNC was rigging it for Clinton. Now why doesn't anyone do anything about that?

There's merit in your description, but I don't see it the same way.

Comey fancies himself a boy-scout, and he's had the privilege of pissing off both sides, for radically different reasons. In fact, Comey didn't give her a free pass, because he thought she would win the election: he told Congress that he was reopening the investigation into HRC because of Weiners' e-mails... of course it leaked, probably not a boon for her campaign.

Angels on a pin, it's unquantifiable how Comey's actions or lack of actions aided or hindered either Trump or Clintons' campaigns...same could be said for fake ads sown on FB by Russian the amount of licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie-Roll lollipop, we may never know...

And you're correct, if HRC had won the Presidency, any investigations into her nonsense wouldn't have been handled by the team that's handling the Trump investigation.

I was more pointing toward the irony (as proposed in a picture above) that the major players involved in the investigation of Trump are all card-carrying Republicans that are just doing their jobs.

(Doesn't seem relevant to me that some of the lawyers on Muellers' team are 'democrats', or gave money to Democratic impression is these are career lawyers who just do what they do, anyway, YMMV)

I'd say the exact same thing if this same team were investigating Clinton.

And here's the deal - if Mueller writes his report and says Trump didn't know anything about whatever, I'll buy that.