President Trump


Just a turd
You used a quote I made to lodge your dissatisfaction in how the old Man jingles dealt with it. I hope I can make this clear enough for an english professor or esteemed grammarian, as you are, to understand. State your point in clear English so other illiterates as my self can understand your point. In clear street english, go screw yerself. Ya got that?

Why do you think people on here have to post how you want? Your posts make it seem like you are trying to fill the void as the biggest :censored2: on browncafe since @UpstateNYUPSer has decided to leave. Guess what?
You're not even close. Between suckling @ I've Got a Package for you left tit ,and demanding people answer your ignorant questions you come across as a complete :censored2: nozzle

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You used a quote I made to lodge your dissatisfaction in how the old Man jingles dealt with it. I hope I can make this clear enough for an english professor or esteemed grammarian, as you are, to understand. State your point in clear English so other illiterates as my self can understand your point. In clear street english, go screw yerself. Ya got that?
Thanks but ...
Turdbutt and I are friends.
We pick on each other like good buddies do.


Well-Known Member
There's merit in your description, but I don't see it the same way.

Comey fancies himself a boy-scout, and he's had the privilege of pissing off both sides, for radically different reasons. In fact, Comey didn't give her a free pass, because he thought she would win the election: he told Congress that he was reopening the investigation into HRC because of Weiners' e-mails... of course it leaked, probably not a boon for her campaign.

Angels on a pin, it's unquantifiable how Comey's actions or lack of actions aided or hindered either Trump or Clintons' campaigns...same could be said for fake ads sown on FB by Russian the amount of licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie-Roll lollipop, we may never know...

And you're correct, if HRC had won the Presidency, any investigations into her nonsense wouldn't have been handled by the team that's handling the Trump investigation.

I was more pointing toward the irony (as proposed in a picture above) that the major players involved in the investigation of Trump are all card-carrying Republicans that are just doing their jobs.

(Doesn't seem relevant to me that some of the lawyers on Muellers' team are 'democrats', or gave money to Democratic impression is these are career lawyers who just do what they do, anyway, YMMV)

I'd say the exact same thing if this same team were investigating Clinton.

And here's the deal - if Mueller writes his report and says Trump didn't know anything about whatever, I'll buy that.
Mueller is a hitman, no more no less. If the piece of :censored2: followed evidence on "collusion" or using foreign influence to alter an election Trumps name wouldn't even be a footnote. Truth.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think people on here have to post how you want? Your posts make it seem like you are trying to fill the void as the biggest :censored2: on browncafe since @UpstateNYUPSer has decided to leave. Guess what?
You're not even close. Between suckling @ I've Got a Package for you left tit ,and demanding people answer your ignorant questions you come across as a complete :censored2: nozzle
I'm glad you registered your complaint, in my best English.... GFO. You got That? @Turdferguson.
You been here a long time. Big :poop:. I'm not intimidated. Can you understand that Professor? Go play scrabble, assemble your letters into words. Comprende?
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Well-Known Member
Mueller is a hitman, no more no less. If the piece of :censored2: followed evidence on "collusion" or using foreign influence to alter an election Trumps name wouldn't even be a footnote. Truth.

I know that's how you feel, but I don't see it the same way.

Mueller is there doing what he's doing because Trump fired Comey...Trump has created this entire mess, and he keeps Twitter-shoveling himself into a worse position.

All of this isn't fake.:blushing2::blushing2:

I stand by my assertion, if Trump had just ignored this from the beginning, he'd be in a much better position.

I also stand by my assertion that in an alternate universe, where somehow Mueller was appointed as Special Prosecutor for an HRC Presidency and an HRC investigation, you'd be singing his praises.

Imagine, if you will:

HRC is elected President, but both houses are controlled by Republicans.

There's finally a Special Prosecutor appointed to get to the bottom of all of this HRC nonsense!!!!!!

Yay, it's Robert Mueller, a staunch Republican, he's our man, he'll do it right, he'll be fair, justice will occur!!!!!

If that was the scenario, you'd be lined up to rim/hand job Mueller, but here you are, disparaging a veteran and a man who, by all reports, is a no-nonsense prosecutor who JUST WANTS THE FACTS.

Have you no shame?



Well-Known Member
I refuse to imagine anything you propose about Hillary, it moves us away from the current situation. I offer thoughts, and many are being proven to be true currently. I am trying to be patient, in the end most if not all I have said will be proven to be correct. It's very hard, but I must wait.


Well-Known Member
I refuse to imagine anything you propose about Hillary, it moves us away from the current situation. I offer thoughts, and many are being proven to be true currently. I am trying to be patient, in the end most if not all I have said will be proven to be correct. It's very hard, but I must wait.

I appreciate your absolute certainty, but you know as much as I do, and honestly, you sound a lot like the crazy homeless guy I knew back in the day: always convinced, always certain, generally completely off the mark.

I hope you'll be honest if it turns out you're completely wrong.

I will.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your absolute certainty, but you know as much as I do, and honestly, you sound a lot like the crazy homeless guy I knew back in the day: always convinced, always certain, generally completely off the mark.

I hope you'll be honest if it turns out you're completely wrong.

I will.
I will also, and I appreciate your assessment of me. Thank You Sir


Well-Known Member
of course she actually broke the law and committed treason.

you have nothing on Trump but fantasies

And your assertion is that there was a deep-state conspiracy that covered up her Treason?

Think about that for a second.

There were plenty of opportunities for a FULL ON REPUBLICAN Congress to nail that B to the wall, and they tried, but...

But what?

Oh wait, there's a FULL OF REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT right FKG now who could investigate/prosecute anything they want...they could get her!!!!!

I wonder why they don't...

is it becwause the big bwad deep stwate won't let it hwappen?

Get a grip dude.


Well-Known Member
And your assertion is that there was a deep-state conspiracy that covered up her Treason?

I don't have to chase all your BS my assertion is she destroyed evidence when under subpoena to produce said evidence.

you have nothing on trump but air and you cover up for Hillary.

you are and always have been Hillarys purse holder


Well-Known Member
I don't have to chase all your BS my assertion is she destroyed evidence when under subpoena to produce said evidence.

you have nothing on trump but air and you cover up for Hillary.

you are and always have been Hillarys purse holder


IDGAF about Hillary one way or another, but even I have to think, after $100 Million of taxpayer dollars spent trying to nail her dumb-ass, nothing took.

So you tell me - either there's nothing to nail her on, or everyone with the hammer was completely incompetent.

It's one or the other - explain to me how Trump ran on 'Lock her up', and now he's in charge of all the levers of Government...

Where's the Special Counsel for Hillary?

Where's the Hammer?

Why doesn't Sessions DROP THE HAMMER ON HRC?

Oh, maybe because they don't have a case.


Well-Known Member

IDGAF about Hillary one way or another, but even I have to think, after $100 Million of taxpayer dollars spent trying to nail her dumb-ass, nothing took.

So you tell me - either there's nothing to nail her on, or everyone with the hammer was completely incompetent.

It's one or the other - explain to me how Trump ran on 'Lock her up', and now he's in charge of all the levers of Government...

Where's the Special Counsel for Hillary?

Where's the Hammer?

Why doesn't Sessions DROP THE HAMMER ON HRC?

Oh, maybe because they don't have a case.

I believe I said purse holder. you have always been and continue to do so.