President Trump


Well-Known Member
ok so you get locked up and you want your family locked up in jail with you?
immediate family or extended too?

Sure, if they’re run-of-the-mill border crossers, how long are we holding them anyway?

Put ‘em on a bus to wherever-the-fk-istan, back over the border the other way.

Why in the world are we detaining these people long enough to necessitate camps for displaced children?

Are the parents going to prison in American jails? Have you thought this through?


Well-Known Member
you made the point that this country is responsible for the rise of MS13.

so do nothing about them now ?

Nobody is implying doing nothing to stop MS-13, but to categorically deny asylum to those fleeing MS-13 seems hypocritical, and that’s a generous assessment.


Well-Known Member
Put ‘em on a bus to wherever-the-fk-istan, back over the border the other way.

Why in the world are we detaining these people long enough to necessitate camps for displaced children?

Are the parents going to prison in American jails? Have you thought this through?

if only


Staff member
If the word gets out to Guatemala, Costa Rica and Honduras families that they will lose their children, they might think twice about trying to get into the USA illegally.
If Mexico can't stop them, then they will have to deal with them.
Just wait until one of these kids dies in captivity.

Maybe Jeff Sessions can read a Bible verse at the funeral.


Well-Known Member