President Trump


Well-Known Member
Does it give you any pause that tons of elected officials, US attorneys, former presidents all say the policy has changed and Trump could fix it with a phone call?

When do we get the money from Mexico to build the wall?

Do you think the technology exists to circumvent a wall? Some fancy new device that would allow people to make it over or under a wall? We live in fantastic times, I bet Elon could figure something out.
At the very least the wall would slow them down in time for the Border Patrol to get there. We do live in fantastic times, and have the technology to monitor activities by the wall. The money can come out of the militant budget.


Well-Known Member
There is no winning or losing here. It is the difference of right and wrong. Drumpf and his uncivilized cabal are getting close to this type of fascism. Making excuses, referring to the Bible to justify, or just plain owning the policy, is just plain wrong.
drumpf is actually holding children as hostages. This is morally repugnant beyond belief.

We are now a :censored2:hole country.
Go to San Francisco and see the results of liberal policies. Homeless everywhere, defecating and urinating. Drug addicts openly shooting up heroin. Then talk to me about policies designed to enforce existing law and not further burden social services. Y'all need to get your priorities straight.


Well-Known Member
Go to San Francisco and see the results of liberal policies. Homeless everywhere, defecating and urinating. Drug addicts openly shooting up heroin. Then talk to me about policies designed to enforce existing law and not further burden social services. Y'all need to get your priorities straight.
That's in every big city. Ttku . BTW I'm sure San Francisco has more programs to help drug addicts and homeless than most major cities.


Well-Known Member
That's in every big city. Ttku . BTW I'm sure San Francisco has more programs to help drug addicts and homeless than most major cities.
Geez, can't I use an example? It's particularly bad in San Francisco and they aren't keeping up with what's going on in the streets.


Well-Known Member
The idea that trump or his supporters care about the "law" is phony nonsense.

You support trump and his band of criminals, you don't give a damn about the law, and there is no reason for anyone to pretend otherwise.

What trump supporters love is that trump has the outlook of a white nationalist.

It is trump's connection and only connection to these voters.

What he is doing at the border will not be viewed kindly.