President Trump


Well-Known Member
The White House counsel, McGahn, has cooperated with the Mueller investigation, giving them 30 hours worth of interviews. He told them under oath that he saw no illegal actions by the President.

Really? Are you sure?

I'd like a citation for that.

You must have a link to his testimony.



Well-Known Member
Orange county is south of L.A. and known to be Republican leaning. The point is that the poll could have been taken in California without it being 80%+ for Obama. Depends where they asked their questions, and the questions asked.
And that could very well change come November.


Well-Known Member
Really? Are you sure?

I'd like a citation for that.

You must have a link to his testimony.

OK, I'll call the cops to give you a citation. Go to the FOX News website to see the Gingrich article. And McGahn cooperating was on the Sunday news shows besides being reported in the NYT's.


Well-Known Member
Remember it's quote if it turns out he didn't help Trump. Y'all have a way of turning on people and slamming them if they speak ill of the wannabe Dictator
If it's true that under oath the WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL said he saw no illegal actions then where can Mueller go with that? Unless he has indisputable proof that McGahn is lying then Mueller is on a dead end street. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.


Well-Known Member
So are we to believe that the only leak from the Mueller investigation just so happens to be one that paints a favorable outcome for Trump?
View attachment 208191
Why not wait for the report to come out before declaring victory
No leak. McGhan was very cooperative after the President signed off on it. This was all reported in the New York Times. Their spin was the Trump legal team was worried about what McGahn might have said. But Mueller and associates are overzealous, and as often happens with the overzealous, give them enough rope, they hang themselves. Vewy intuhwesting.


Staff member
Well this is interesting. The White House counsel, McGahn, has cooperated with the Mueller investigation, giving them 30 hours worth of interviews. He told them under oath that he saw no illegal actions by the President. Mind you this isn't Trump's personal lawyer but the White House counsel. His first duty is to protect the presidency. Newt Gingrich just pointed out Mueller made a fatal error. He got the White House counsel to vouch for the President under oath. The report about the cooperation came out in the New York Times this weekend. According to Gingrich there is now no legal reason for Trump to be questioned. Trump had signed off on McGahn cooperating so I suspect a chess master thought quite a few moves ahead. Gingrich said Mueller might as well write his report and go home. Mueller will have to stand up in court and show evidence that contradicts a very well respected government lawyer. Doubtful McGahn perjured himself under oath.
Where is this reported? I haven’t seen it anywhere that reporters know what McGahn said.


Staff member
If it's true that under oath the WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL said he saw no illegal actions then where can Mueller go with that? Unless he has indisputable proof that McGahn is lying then Mueller is on a dead end street. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
“If it’s true...”?

So someone floated some fact deficient truth out there and Gingrich commented on it?

Holy crap that’s stupid.

Truth isn’t truth when facts say otherwise.


Staff member
True in my case.
I liked Obama and still do.
I even liked him as President up until Obamacare passed.
I still find it unbelievable he was re-elected in 2012.
If Obama could get re-elected in 2012, Trump is a shoo-in for 2020.
There’s a lot of economic collapse that can happen between now and 2020.