President Trump


Well-Known Member
Couldn't get the military spending he wanted without giving in to the Dems spending demands.

He got the tax cuts without the democrats.

Yah, no.

So far this is all Trump and the R’s.

you guys must spend your days reading DNC talking points and ignoring the news . Last spending referenced by Vantexan which you libs responded to shows many dems voting for it.

Congress passes $1.3 trillion spending bill - CNNPolitics


Well-Known Member
Bookmark this page and lets check back a year from now. Sure, Trumps tax cuts have helped the economy some, but so has the ridiculous amounts of Government spending. Will be interesting to see if our higher Government deficits cause interest rates to rise.
Only a year in, we'll see how durable Trump's policies turn-out.

Remember Trumplicans, only focus on the economy. Everything else does not matter.

Kinda similar to how Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

yea the economy is really doing well but but but but but...…….

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Too bad companies profits far outweigh the additional income employees make, which isn't even enough to cover today's inflation rates.

thank you drumpf
The purpose of a business is to make a profit for the business owner, not to employ, or enrich those employees.
Demand for more employees, for the purpose of making more money for the business owner, drives up the wages of those employees.
The more money the employees make for the business owner, the more money there is available to pay them. The amount of those wages was agreed upon when the job was accepted. An obligation to increase those wages does not exist unless it is in the better interest of the owner. That's how Capitalism works.
If you don't like working for someone else, go into business for yourself. Then you can give all the money you want to your employees.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Too bad companies profits far outweigh the additional income employees make, which isn't even enough to cover today's inflation rates.

thank you drumpf

actually that point was scientifically corrected by Hassett in his presentation . wage growth is out growing inflation . you really should stay informed rather then relying on DNC talking points . thank you president trump for another win.