President Trump


Well-Known Member
Obviously a lot more than you, if you're unable to recognize how drumpfs tax changes are only looking out for big $$$$, and doesn't care a bit about all of his ignorant supporters.

*Whats the 420 stand for, after Jkloc?

damn you try to dispute his point that you don't understand how businesses work by proving you don't understand how businesses work.


Well-Known Member
Good article but by giving Chump all the credit...must’ve missed the last paragraph:
“Middle-class household income has been rising steadily for the past several years as the economy has rebounded from the deep recession and millions of Americans have found jobs again. The extra pay from having another person in the home employed again or working additional hours is the largest factor contributing to rising income, the Census Bureau said.”


Well-Known Member
Good article but by giving Chump all the credit...must’ve missed the last paragraph:
“Middle-class household income has been rising steadily for the past several years as the economy has rebounded from the deep recession and millions of Americans have found jobs again. The extra pay from having another person in the home employed again or working additional hours is the largest factor contributing to rising income, the Census Bureau said.”

they're wapo reporters they can be expected to get a few supporting details wrong.


Well-Known Member
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” Edward Bernays, Propaganda


Well-Known Member
Since most Trumplicans are illiterate, here's an audio version.

The new law repeals personal and dependent exemptions, increasing taxable income for a family of four by $16,600 in 2018. Many itemized deductions are pared back substantially: the deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) is capped at $10,000; the mortgage interest deduction is capped; and deductions for casualty and theft losses, employee business expenses, and union dues are eliminated outright. Deductions for moving expenses, tuition and fees, and alimony payments are also repealed.
Ensuring the wealthy keep more of the riches they will accrue as a result of the new tax law, the Tax Act also dramatically increases the estate tax exemption. As though exempting 99.8 percent of estates from tax weren’t enough, the tax law doubled the estate tax exemption for married couples from $11 million to $22 million in 2018.
The Two Biggest Lies in Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Hope this helps.
Last edited:


Man of Great Wisdom
Since most Trumplicans are illiterate, here's an audio version.

The new law repeals personal and dependent exemptions, increasing taxable income for a family of four by $16,600 in 2018. Many itemized deductions are pared back substantially: the deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) is capped at $10,000; the mortgage interest deduction is capped; and deductions for casualty and theft losses, employee business expenses, and union dues are eliminated outright. Deductions for moving expenses, tuition and fees, and alimony payments are also repealed.
Ensuring the wealthy keep more of the riches they will accrue as a result of the new tax law, the Tax Act also dramatically increases the estate tax exemption. As though exempting 99.8 percent of estates from tax weren’t enough, the tax law doubled the estate tax exemption for married couples from $11 million to $22 million in 2018.
The Two Biggest Lies in Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Hope this helps.
I can't wait to hear all the whining next winter when the people that spent their tax cut get to pay in next April.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Since most Trumplicans are illiterate, here's an audio version.

The new law repeals personal and dependent exemptions, increasing taxable income for a family of four by $16,600 in 2018. Many itemized deductions are pared back substantially: the deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) is capped at $10,000; the mortgage interest deduction is capped; and deductions for casualty and theft losses, employee business expenses, and union dues are eliminated outright. Deductions for moving expenses, tuition and fees, and alimony payments are also repealed.
Ensuring the wealthy keep more of the riches they will accrue as a result of the new tax law, the Tax Act also dramatically increases the estate tax exemption. As though exempting 99.8 percent of estates from tax weren’t enough, the tax law doubled the estate tax exemption for married couples from $11 million to $22 million in 2018.
The Two Biggest Lies in Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Hope this helps.
not really a lie, those in blue states are basically screwed


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Since most Trumplicans are illiterate, here's an audio version.

The new law repeals personal and dependent exemptions, increasing taxable income for a family of four by $16,600 in 2018. Many itemized deductions are pared back substantially: the deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) is capped at $10,000; the mortgage interest deduction is capped; and deductions for casualty and theft losses, employee business expenses, and union dues are eliminated outright. Deductions for moving expenses, tuition and fees, and alimony payments are also repealed.
Ensuring the wealthy keep more of the riches they will accrue as a result of the new tax law, the Tax Act also dramatically increases the estate tax exemption. As though exempting 99.8 percent of estates from tax weren’t enough, the tax law doubled the estate tax exemption for married couples from $11 million to $22 million in 2018.
The Two Biggest Lies in Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Hope this helps.
But the people who made a lot of money were the people who took the itemized deductions a lot. Those pesky rich people you are railing against.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Good article but by giving Chump all the credit...must’ve missed the last paragraph:
“Middle-class household income has been rising steadily for the past several years as the economy has rebounded from the deep recession and millions of Americans have found jobs again. The extra pay from having another person in the home employed again or working additional hours is the largest factor contributing to rising income, the Census Bureau said.”
Yes, you got it. People are finding work and getting extra hours versus 8 years of obama. Trump made the economy so good that is whats happening