President Trump


Well-Known Member
Yes, you got it. People are finding work and getting extra hours versus 8 years of obama. Trump made the economy so good that is whats happening
I think the key verbage was, over the past “several years” the economy has shown inclination.
I agree that Trump seems to be good for the economy, right now-curious to see how some of these other tariffs and policies will affect us over the course of the next few years; but right now-whether it’s an after-effect of past administrations or it’s solely Trump (haha)—the economy is strong. That’s a good thing!


Well-Known Member
Since most Trumplicans are illiterate, here's an audio version.

The new law repeals personal and dependent exemptions, increasing taxable income for a family of four by $16,600 in 2018. Many itemized deductions are pared back substantially: the deduction for state and local taxes (SALT) is capped at $10,000; the mortgage interest deduction is capped; and deductions for casualty and theft losses, employee business expenses, and union dues are eliminated outright. Deductions for moving expenses, tuition and fees, and alimony payments are also repealed.
Ensuring the wealthy keep more of the riches they will accrue as a result of the new tax law, the Tax Act also dramatically increases the estate tax exemption. As though exempting 99.8 percent of estates from tax weren’t enough, the tax law doubled the estate tax exemption for married couples from $11 million to $22 million in 2018.
The Two Biggest Lies in Donald Trump's Tax Plan

Hope this helps.

a well presented completely malicous and totally incorrect liberal slant. At least I now understand why your thinking is so screwed up.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you are simply false in defense of this witch hunt.
more and more information is trickling out each day showing an organized effort by top FBI officials to
rig an election, create a false basis for an investigation and now to also run an organized media campaign to undermine the president of the united states.

now at this point are you really going to ignore this blatant abuse of power by those who are entrusted to do their job without bias or will you look the other way because you don't like the victim of this action?

your integrity is now on display I'll await your next response.

Guy, stop watching FOX News, it’s rotting your brain.


Well-Known Member
He got the tax cuts without the democrats.
True, because Republicans wanted the tax cuts. But a large segment of the Republicans didn't want the spending, and Trump turned to the Dems to get what he wanted. Same Dems who excoriate him every day, but are willing to compromise their principles to bring home the bacon to their districts.


Staff member
True, because Republicans wanted the tax cuts. But a large segment of the Republicans didn't want the spending, and Trump turned to the Dems to get what he wanted. Same Dems who excoriate him every day, but are willing to compromise their principles to bring home the bacon to their districts.
So you are saying that Republicans have forgone that spending in their districts?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
like paid vacations and retirement, 401 k etc?
I agree with most you say but disagree here. I'll ask you, like the ending of the defined benefit plan in 2008 of active participants, specifically speaking of fedex. Vacation and retirement programs are simply part of a compensation package to entice and retain workers and performers. Loyalty to the worker was discarded in favor of better financial numbers to induce investors at the expense of participating employees.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I agree with most you say but disagree here. I'll ask you, like the ending of the defined benefit plan in 2008 of active participants, specifically speaking of fedex. Vacation and retirement programs are simply part of a compensation package to entice and retain workers and performers. Loyalty to the worker was discarded in favor of better financial numbers to induce investors at the expense of participating employees.
Agreed. Which just goes to show that UPS drivers have it right by collectively bargaining for their wages and benefits.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I agree with most you say but disagree here. I'll ask you, like the ending of the defined benefit plan in 2008 of active participants, specifically speaking of fedex. Vacation and retirement programs are simply part of a compensation package to entice and retain workers and performers. Loyalty to the worker was discarded in favor of better financial numbers to induce investors at the expense of participating employees.

Agreed. Which just goes to show that UPS drivers have it right by collectively bargaining for their wages and benefits.
Look at that, republicans coming out against trickle down economics and in support of labor unions. What a world.