President Trump


Well-Known Member
Just a thought. Would you be willing to accept an income tax surcharge similar to the one imposed to pay for the Vietnam war to be used to feed , house. clothe , provide prenatal and post natal heathcare and educate the millions of unwanted kids as well as to expand coat hanger production here in the U.S.?

abortion histrionics?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
that's a very loose application of the truth , but I suppose its ok for you guys to lie as long as its not the other side.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest the same anal exam to all things Obama, and those associated with his administrations. I will exclude any orchestrated crimes by coup participants by Obama's political enemies. Let's just go after legitimate criminal activity.
I would love to be at those perp walks.


Well-Known Member
So, in your world, personal freedom=freedom from personal responsibility.
It's good to know that you're another person who will not be signing up for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and you're money's all gone. We certainly wouldn't want a single government social program top get in the way of your definition of "personal responsibility".


Well-Known Member
It's good to know that you're another person who will not be signing up for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and you're money's all gone. We certainly wouldn't want a single government social program top get in the way of your definition of "personal responsibility".
You, like some other's fail to understand that the federal government confiscated taxes from all workers to fund these programs. Your post holds no validity.


Well-Known Member
It's good to know that you're another person who will not be signing up for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and you're money's all gone. We certainly wouldn't want a single government social program top get in the way of your definition of "personal responsibility".

why wouldn't he partake in what he paid for his whole life. what a silly argument you're trying to make here.