Well-Known Member
You're dealing with a not so smart.you're digging a hole.
order was just signed what early this year? enrollment into plans is when ? October of this year?
You're dealing with a not so smart.you're digging a hole.
order was just signed what early this year? enrollment into plans is when ? October of this year?
You can't force an insurer to enter a market it believes would be too costly and already too competitive to survive in. .
Got any evidence plans are being offered? I get my rates for employer plans early next week. Are there plans that cross state lines? Are they cheaper? I’m just looking for any article or study that supports your claim. I can’t find any.you're digging a hole.
order was just signed what early this year? enrollment into plans is when ? October of this year?
You're dealing with a not so smart.
Correct in most instances, this however is a specific instance, of which she is fully aware. Hence, no response from her.it would be extremely optimistic
Got any evidence plans are being offered? I get my rates for employer plans early next week. Are there plans that cross state lines? Are they cheaper? I’m just looking for any article or study that supports your claim. I can’t find any.
I do agree it is not insurance, it is only masked as insurance, and that presents a problem for those defending it. I'm trying to be patient until they come to theshe keeps telling me she is an insurance expert because she slept in a holiday inn express.
her biggest problem is she relys on DNC talking points rather then paying attention to the real world.
Just looking for information. If the plans exist I’d look into them, but I can’t find anything that says they do. It’s been 2 years of unified republican rule after 70 votes to repeal the ACA, I thought Trump would keep his campaign promise and give me cheaper better coverage.you're putting the cart before the horse in desperation to save face on this issue. you guys took 9 years to fully implement ACA surely I am allowed to see more then two weeks to watch the free market solution bear fruit.
Just looking for information. If the plans exist I’d look into them, but I can’t find anything that says they do. It’s been 2 years of unified republican rule after 70 votes to repeal the ACA, I thought Trump would keep his campaign promise and give me cheaper better coverage.
Right. Newfie might be able to find an insurance package $ 20 bucks a month cheaper but what good is it if the nearest network provider is 300 miles away? Apparently Newfie never bothered to look into the complexities of setting up an insurance contract in a given state. You're dealing with healthcare providers not car body shops. I'm like you. If it's as simple as he thinks it is then all he has to do is tell us exactly how many out of state insurers have filed application to offer health insurance in states that up to now were prohibited.Got any evidence plans are being offered? I get my rates for employer plans early next week. Are there plans that cross state lines? Are they cheaper? I’m just looking for any article or study that supports your claim. I can’t find any.
It is perplexing, thankfully McCain is supplying nutrition for the worms. Maybe it will be addressed in the next Congress.Just looking for information. If the plans exist I’d look into them, but I can’t find anything that says they do. It’s been 2 years of unified republican rule after 70 votes to repeal the ACA, I thought Trump would keep his campaign promise and give me cheaper better coverage.
I don’t see any evidence of the change you claim was made having any impact on available plans. Feel free to provide something, anything, that shows otherwise.now you're trying to push the clock back to make it look like the change has been longer then it has.
Amazing, you ask for evidence pertaining to this, but your past posts show no desire for evidence pertaining to other issues. In my best Trump voice, "Very weak, very flaccid, your protestations fall on two deaf ears."I don’t see any evidence of the change you claim was made having any impact on available plans. Feel free to provide something, anything, that shows otherwise.
Right. Newfie might be able to find an insurance package $ 20 bucks a month cheaper but what good is it if the nearest network provider is 300 miles away? Apparently Newfie never bothered to look into the complexities of setting up an insurance contract in a given state. You're dealing with healthcare providers not car body shops. I'm like you. If it's as simple as he thinks it is then all he has to do is tell us exactly how many out of state insurers have filed application to offer health insurance in states that up to now were prohibited.
Amazing, you ask for evidence pertaining to this, but your past posts show no desire for evidence pertaining to other issues. In my best Trump voice, "Very weak, very flaccid, your protestations fall on two deaf ears."
you are spewing complete nonsense . just admit you don't know what you're talking about and move on.
BTW. Over the past couple of years 6 states have thrown open their health insurance markets to out of state insurers. At last count how many insurers have filed to offer coverage in those states?.......ZERO. One of the main reasons is that some state insurance regulations requires policies that actually pay something. Not the slightly lower premium near zero coverage plans they like to push because they are far more profitable.
Well post your words, I have no idea of the claim you are attempting to make.Took the words right out of my mouth.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
you are spewing complete nonsense . just admit you don't know what you're talking about and move on.
Well post your words, I have no idea of the claim you are attempting to make.