President Trump


Well-Known Member
His family company did, and he benefitted. Who is John Phillip Sousa IV?
Your second cousin?
So the candidate didn't, is that what you attest to? Did you know at the time you offered the post that the information offered was a falsehood aimed to smear the candidate John James?


Well-Known Member
Hey dingleberry, who do you think has been paying for all the social programs that you're so proud of? Hard working employed people. You push for food stamps, Section 8 rents, a whole slew of social justice warrior programs. They have to be paid for by someone. To tell any of us we don't deserve anything when we're old and need it just tells me you either don't have a clue how things work or you've got your head up your ass. Same goes for the idiots who want to take away Social Security completely because their lazy friends won't get a check or a small one at best and it's not fair that mostly white folk get better checks. We paid for that program and all of the others for decades. Someone who sat at home on the government's dime did so because hard working people paid for it.
Just answer the question. Are you or are you not going to apply for benefits? You see that's the trouble with you pseudo conservatives. You're always giving we progressives the back of one hand but at the very same time you've got the other hand out demanding benefits from programs we progressive's managed to get passed into law despite bitter Republican opposition . You can't have it both ways. Either you're a true conservative or you're a RHINO . Republican in name only.


Bad Moon Risen'
While I agree that technically, cannabis is a gateway drug, alcohol and cigarettes are much stronger gateway drugs.
Gateway Drug Theory -
a habit-forming drug that, while not itself addictive, may lead to the use of other addictive drugs.

Alcohol and cigarettes are not Gateway Drugs because they are addictive while cannabis is not.

I believe the following is a more apt and accurate definition of a Gateway Drug Theory -
Individuals that use gateway drugs are more likely to use stronger and more destructive drugs.
Been smoking pot for over 40 years. When am I going to move on to some other drug?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Been smoking pot for over 40 years. When am I going to move on to some other drug?
I am a Libertarian and in line with the Libertarian Party's position, I don't believe in outlawing of drugs.
I am OK with regulating and charging taxes for recreational users of drugs.
I am more OK with no taxes though.


Well-Known Member
Gateway drug? Guess I'm still waiting for the gate to open.

Why should alcohol be legal to use and not marijuana?
Why can't they just decriminalize it why legalize it. Oh so the beer company can buy and monopolize and politicians can give the permits to their rich friends to sell it. If you been smoking for 40 years what is the problem with current situation.


Well-Known Member
So you smoke weed with your adult kids I thought people want better for their steals motivation and for some it's not a gateway but for some it is.


Inordinately Right
I'm praying the liberals leave. Why would you want pot to be legal so the guberment can control you make more money off citizens. For many pot is a gateway drug it didn't used to be like that but the amount and assortment of drugs and our younger generation education level is a bad mix
Bro, you post like you were hit in the head with a brick, and you're going to insult the intelligence of young Americans?

Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Just answer the question. Are you or are you not going to apply for benefits? You see that's the trouble with you pseudo conservatives. You're always giving we progressives the back of one hand but at the very same time you've got the other hand out demanding benefits from programs we progressive's managed to get passed into law despite bitter Republican opposition . You can't have it both ways. Either you're a true conservative or you're a RHINO . Republican in name only.
The term is RINO dingleberry. And when those programs were passed I wouldn't characterize those Democrats as progressives. And you better believe if I'm required to pay into the program I will be taking out of the program. And I've repeatedly said SS is the best idea the Dems ever had but you ignore that. To say someone should pay into a program but not get anything out of it is ridiculous. We've had this discussion before and your opinion is still as stupid as the first time you brought it up.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So you smoke weed with your adult kids I thought people want better for their steals motivation and for some it's not a gateway but for some it is.
Does it steal motivation or does it allow one to understand that being a rat in the rat race is not always a good thing?
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Well-Known Member
I love it when someone in a trucking union tries to correct my punctuation. I write these posts like i text. Let's stick to the facts. Because of trump the economy is booming and our 401k and pensions should all benefit