Because he's an idiot just like them !
It's a shame put on to all Americans. That picture or video made world-wide news and was in every channel and paper in the world.
It's bad enough Americans aren't very welcome around the world, now even less !
And why you defend this Moreluck, I don't know. I thought you had better taste than most people.
I find it sickning and outrageous, and so did Canadians and the rest of the world.
I feel sorry for those Americans abroad right now, trying to enjoy a vacation, and now even being worse treated then before.
If you don't believe me, go to Europe or some other sopt overseas on day.
Then go to a restaurant or bar being yourself (Americans) one day, and the next day go to another pub and wear a Canadian TShirt and pretend to be Canadian.
The service level will go from 0-100.
This lastest shame the US Army has just done, will take another few years for some to forget. Esspecially to those people and Nations that already don't care for Americans.
I hope Hilary and Obama can make it somehow go away, or atleast do some damn good damage control.