I just checked UPSers.com and can confirm the same information. I'm at $15 and it shows the GWI based off of that rate. The information has the following caveats...
- Your current wage rate is higher than the proposed contract rate. You will continue at your current wage rate, plus receive General Wage Increases.
- If you see an error in your statement or profile, please click the Contact Us link and let us know.
- Additional compensation resulting from bonus pay has not been considered for the purpose of calculating the impact of the proposed contract on your wages.
It seems like we are in fact going to be getting raises in this contract over the next five years. This is a HUGE win for people in my area. Like you I'm a skeptic and will believe it when I see it, but I can't do much about an outright lie from UPS, which this would be if not true.
I wanted to keep pension and healthcare while getting raises based off of my current rate. I've gotten all three things I wanted. I sometimes TCD drive and still want clearer over 70 language, but this is appearing to be the best PT contract in decades and will likely be a yes vote from me.