Rutherford B Hays
gun accipere, et abire cannoli
Getting there hour early everyday for 2 months. Setting up truck to only work 2/3 days a week for supervisor to tell you o you don’t work today but stay for PCM and with no hints of you might not qualify unless you do this or that better. Just seems really odd to me when legit every driver is saying you will be fine don’t stress it
They tell you that so you dont go out and do something stupid like get in an accident. They are trying to encourage you. Qualifying is stressful. Ask them if you can try again later. First time I tried to qualify I self DQ'd because I wasn't getting enough hours either. I was the low person seniority wise and took a pretty big pay cut from what I was making part-time between double sorting, working Saturday air, and air exception driving. I waited a year to try again.
If you want it,try again. Just remember if you make it how they treated you this time. They aren't your buddy or friend