Well-Known Member
I wonder if he realizes that drivers have the right to "politely" refuse to accept a package that appears as though it may not make it through our system. I am known as "The Shaker" as I shake suspect packages and will refuse to accept them if they don't pass the "Shake" test. If I have a potential damage on my car I will assess it and bring back undeliverable ones and let the customer inspect those that are not as bad.
I can't believe that I just read two paragraphs shifting blame on to the customer, for damages. Worse, I can't believe someone wrote it.Even than that worse, they're in "management".
Blame shift is a common form of shirking responsibility and accountability.
This happens in a faulty corporate culture.
It also happens in the lives of individuals.
This is wrong.
obviously u didn't like my post and I followed up to explain better. Maybe you still think I am "shifting blame".
You never answered my question I asked you your question back to you. How can you work at ups if ups damages customers pkgs? Keep in mind if all sales folks did as you suggest and stop making sales then ups will go away eventually.
Upstate when I drove I did refuse pkgs also due to poor packaging etc.